Chapter 31: Never Grow Up

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Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up

Don't you ever grow up

Just stay this little

Oh, darlin', don't you ever grow up

Don't you ever grow up

It could stay this simple

I won't let nobody hurt you

Won't let no one break your heart

And no one will desert you

Just try to never grow up

Never grow up


June 10, 2002

"Purple," Draco says behind her but Indie continues to stare straight ahead. "Indie," He repeats and places his hands on his shoulder, "Are you okay, you've been staring at Cyan eating his waffles for three minutes."

"Yeah," Indie sniffles as her throat constricts.

"Are you sure?" He asks as he glances between an unbothered Cyan still eating and a weepy looking Indie.

"No," She squeaks out, "I can't believe he's five."

"Oh honey," Draco sighs and pulls her into a hug.

"He was just a little baby like yesterday," Indie sniffles, "And I can't believe he's five. And that Navy and Fred missed it. I'm worried I'm going to screw him up."

"You're not going to screw him up," Draco whispers and kisses the side of her head, "He's a great kid, and I'll be here now so you don't have to do it alone. I am sure Fred and Navy would be so happy to see how well you two have been doing."

"You're so sweet," Indie chuckles while wiping her tears away.

"I try," Draco grins and walks over to sit next to Cyan. "Hey Cy, how does it feel being five?"

Cyan shrugs and shovels a forkful of food into his mouth, "Okay I guess."

"Are you excited for your party later?" Indie asks, walking over to join them.

"Yeah," Cyan grins, "Uncle Charlie said he may even bring a dragon!"

"Well see if Mimi lets him," Indie chuckles nervously and glances at Draco.

"She won't," He mouths while shaking his head.


As soon as Indie, Draco, and Cyan touch down at the Burrow Cyan takes off to go play with Victorie, Connie, and Teddy. Draco almost drops the gifts they had gotten from Cyan once he sees everyone is already here.

"This is our party, how is everyone here?" Draco asks, "My mum's even here?"

Indie chuckles and shrugs, "They're the Weasly's and co. They live to plan a party. Besides Molly, Andromeda, and your mother insisted they bake the care and the food. And then Fleur is in her nesting phase already and Victorie was begging to see Charlie, who came in last night."

"Damn," Draco sighs as they walk to the yard.

"Indie and Draco!" Molly smiles and rushes over to hug them.

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