Chapter 27: Sweet Nothings

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They said the end is coming
Everyone's up to something
I find myself running home to your sweet nothings


April 27, 2002

"You remember that Cy has a play date with Teddy today," Indie instructs as she grabs her purse.

"Yeah in an hour," Draco smiles, "I remember. Don't worry, I am able to stomach a lion for a few hours."

Indie gives him a look but says nothing as Cyan runs into the room and pulls Draco's leg so that he can whisper something in his ear. She tilts her head as Draco grins broadly and whispers something back causing Cyan to giggle.

"What are you two plotting?" She asks.

"Nothing," Cyan cackles as he runs back out.

"Goodbye to you too," Indie yells before looking at Draco, "Well?"

"It's nothing you need not worry about," Draco states, overly sweet.

Indie side eyes him before kissing him goodbye and making her way out, apperating to Fleur's cottage. She appears on the beach at the same time Ginny does, who looks rather pale.

"Are you okay?" Indie asks to walk over to her friend.

"Yeah, apperating just gets me sometimes no matter how often I do it," Ginny chuckles weakly. "We should head in. You know how Fleur is."

"Ain't that the truth," Indie chuckles as they head in.

Once they knock on the door a chipper Fleur greets them and ushers them in and they are surprised to see Daphne beat them there, as she is notoriously late. Indie smiles as she slips into a seat between Ginny and Daphne and whispers, "Wow aren't you early?"

"The look she gave me last time I was late haunts my dreams," Daphne whispers back, "I couldn't let it happen again."

"Scones?" Fleur asks, bringing out a plate.

"Don't mind if I do," Indie smiles and takes one, with everyone else following suit.

Indie notices out of the corner of her eye that Ginny takes one but doesn't bite into it right away like everyone else. Fleur also offers tea for everyone while bringing out more sandwiches and pastries.

"So Fleur," Daphne asks, "What calls for this impromptu tea party?"

"Well," Fleur beams, "I wanted you to be some of the first to know. I am pregnant again!"

"Oh Fleur, that's great!" Indie exclaims.

"Congrats!" Ginny adds but through a tight lipped smile.

"Oh how exciting!" Daphne squeals, "How far along?"

"Just about four months as of a few days ago," Fleur beams.

"Wow you couldn't really tell," Daphne marvels, "You look great."

"Thanks," Fleur smiles, "I can't wait for Vic to have a sibling."

"Does mum know yet?" Ginny asks.

"No, Bill and I were going to have dinner with them tonight and tell them."

"This is great news," Ginny smiles, without reaching her eyes, "Cheers!"


Draco stands with his hand in Cyan's in front of the potter residents. He knows Harry and him have put the past behind them but he can't help that one day Harry will no longer tolerate him. Cyan pulls against Draco's grasp and says, "Let me go knock Uncle Draco!"

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