Chapter 11: Sparks Fly

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Drop everything now
Meet me in the pouring rain
Kiss me on the sidewalk
Take away the pain
'Cause I see sparks fly, whenever you smile


July 21, 2001

"I think you look dashing Aunt Indie," Cyan grins as Indie places her mother's pearl earrings in her lobes.

"Why thank you Cy," Indie grins and ruffles her nephew's hair.

A knock ruffles the nerves in Indie's gut as she smooths her pale blue dress out and makes her way to the door. She looks through the peephole and sighs in relief as she opens the door to reveal a mischievous looking George.

"Georgie," Indie smiles and lets him in.

"Hey Indie," George smiles and kisses her cheek as he walks in.

"Cy!" Indie calls, "Grab your bag. Uncle Georgie is here."

The two adults stifle their laughter as they hear a small thud and then feet pattering on the hardwood floor until Cyan comes into view. He launches himself at his uncle who catches him with ease and spins him around.

"Oof I think you've gotten bigger since the last time I saw you," George grins and taps Cyan on the nose.

"Nooo," Cyan giggles, "You saw me yesterday."

George just smiles and sets him on the ground before glancing back at Indie. "Hey Cy, why don't you use the bathroom before we leave."

"Okay," He chirps and dashes away.

Indie looks at George questioningly as he moves to stand closer to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. George takes a deep breath and Indie does the same. They stare at each other for a moment longer before George clears his throat, "You look really nice Indigo Onasis. Fancy Date?"

Indie nods, looking down at her feet, "Yeah, it's been a long time coming."


"A little. I mean I know him. I truly think I do but a small part of me reminds me of who he was before. He was a player and he toyed with half of Hogwarts' emotions. But he's better. The bigger part of me believes so."

"Then go with that bigger part," George replies, rubbing her shoulders. "Because from what I've heard he's a fitting enough man for my sister."

"I'm not your sister," Indie giggles.

"You were almost."

"No, that's not how it works Georgie. Navy was almost your sister in law and Fred was almost my brother in law. But there was no new relationship for us."

George's face drops a little, "Do you really believe that Indie? That you're not like a sister to me or my family. That you're not a part of it?"

Indie rolls her shoulders an uncomfortable heat spreading up the back of her neck, "I just thought you guys invited me because of Navy and after she was gone because of Cyan. I really didn't consider..."

"That we saw you as family?" George smiles and hugs her, "Of course we saw you as family."

Indie sniffles a little as Cyan comes darting out. Beaming and ready to go. George smiles and grabs Cyan's bag in one hand and his little hand in the other as Indie opens the door for them. George stops abruptly and Indie peaks her head around to see why.

Draco is standing in the door frame, with one hand raised and holding flowers in the other. The three adults stand frozen, darting gazes at one another while Cyan looks up confused and tugs on Draco's blazer, asking "Dragon what are you doing here? Do you have a chocolate frog for me?"

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