Chapter 21: Christmas Tree Farm

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Sweet dreams of holly and ribbon

Mistakes are forgiven

And everything is icy and blue

And you would be there too

Under the mistletoe

Watching the fire glow

And telling me, "I love you"Just being in your arms

Takes me back to that little farm

Where every wish comes true


December 25, 2001

Indie had an hour before Blue and Draco were set to arrive and she felt behind. The ham was still baking and she had just finished the baked potatoes. She was going to start the green beans a little bit and the salad was in the fridge. She also had to make the eggnog and move the few present from her room. Indie had set out Cyan's three presents from Santa before she picked them up this morning.

A knock pulls her from her thoughts as she wipes her hands on a towel before answering it. "Shit!"

"Happy Christmas! What a way to greet your brother," Blue jokes and holds out a bottle of mead, "Can I come in?"

"Happy Christmas. Sorry I just..." Indie shakes her head, "I can't believe it's already four."

"Oh it's not I'm thirty minutes early," Blue confesses, "I just was really nervous to meet the little guy."

"Oh... yeah of course," Indie says and gestures to him to come in. "Cy, come out here."

Cyan jogs into the living room and stands next to his Aunt looking up curiously at the man in front of him. Indie rustles his hair before stating, "Cy. This is your Uncle Blue. He's mine and your mummy's brother."

"Hi," Cyan squeaks out.

"Hey little man," Blue grins and crouches down to his level, "It's really nice to meet you. I got you a christmas present."

"Thank you," Cyan says and goes to grab the parcel.

"Eh," Indie scolds and takes the bag full of parcels, "I'll put them under the tree with the rest of them to open after dinner."

"Can I show Uncle Blue my new toys?" Cyan asks.

"Sure, go ahead." Indie chuckles slightly and Cyan grabs Blue by the hand leading him away.

Indie shakes her head before going back to cooking dinner. It seemed like minutes later there was a knock at the door again but when she glanced at the clock she realized it was actually four. She brushes her fly aways behind her ears and wipes her hands off before walking to the door.

"Hey love," Draco smiles and kisses her on the cheek.

"Hey you," Indie grins and notices the dish in his hands, "Whatcha bring me?"

"Daph sent me over with her famous trifle."

"Oooo I can't wait!!" Indie squeals and takes the dish from him. "How was Christmas Brunch with the Zabini's and Tori?"

"It was good," Draco nods and grabs himself a mug of eggnog, "Tori was looking alright but I think she's gotten even thinner."

"I feel so sorry for them," Indie huffs as she checks dinner once more.

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