Chapter 5: It's Nice To Have a Friend

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It's nice to have a friend


It's nice to have a friend



May 1, 2001

Indie was supposed to work today but she had managed to time change with Elijah so that she had today and tomorrow off. She then would work Thursday and pick up a shift on Friday, leaving her weekend free to spend with Cyan.

Since she wasn't working today she was able to take Cyan to his swim lessons. Connie, Victorie, and Teddy Lupin were also in this swim class so Indie was excited to see her friends. During the week Tori looked after her niece while Blaise and Daphne worked and since Ginny's quidditch season was off she was able to take Victorie and Teddy. The swim class was an hour and a half long so the three of them figured it was the perfect time to grab lunch. It even worked out with Ruth's schedule so she was able to take her lunch break around the same time and join them. Ginny recommended a muggle restaurant Hermione had told her about just down the road so they decided to check it out.

"So," Ginny hums, glancing over the menu, "how's working with the blonde haired ferret?"

"Draco?" Indie asks while taking a sip of wine.

Ginny nods and smiles as the waiter fills her glass with wine. Indie places her glass down and shrugs, "He's not as bad as I remember him being."

"Daph said he walks you home every night," Tori teases and takes a slice of bread.

"How the hell does she know that?" Indie blurts out and then immediately coughs as something has gone down the wrong pipe.

"I guess he told Blaise, who we all know is the biggest gossip, so Blaise told Daph and I when I was over for dinner the other day," Tori giggles.

"You're seriously okay with him?" Ruth questions, "After all the shit she put everyone through at school?"

"I mean I did confront him about all that stuff. He said he wanted to make amends and after working with him for so long I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. Besides him walking me home was just a coincidence. He moved into the apartment next to mine," Indie explains, "But if you guys are really that bothered by it I can draw a boundary of strictly professional."

"You don't have to worry about it from me," Tori chuckles, "Most of my issues with him were so childish. Plus he's Connie's godfather so I had to get over it three years ago."

Ginny takes a slice of bread and butters it, "I don't really mind either. Harry and I are actually arranging to have lunch with him tomorrow."

"Why?" Ruth asks.

"Well, his mother Narcissa is sister with Andromeda Tonks, who is Teddy's grandmother. Since the war ended and Lucius has been Azkaban I guess Narcissa has been visiting her sister more. I guess the two sister had been talking and Narcissa wanted to meet Teddy officially and Andromeda wanted to meet Draco so Andromeda is making dinner and Narcissa is bringing Draco and Harry and I are bringing Teddy."

"And Harry's cool with that?" Indie asks.

Ginny nods and swallows her food before responding, "Yeah. Since the battle Draco was on probation for the first year, house arrest, and an Auror was assigned to check in weekly. Harry volunteered and they're sorta friends/acquaintances now."

"Wow," Tori and Indie state.

"So really the question is if you're okay with it Ruthie?" Ginny questions.

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