Chapter 38: Enchanted

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Walls of insincerity, shifting eyes and vacancy

Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you


July 15, 2003

"Hm I don't know, maybe the crib should go in that corner so it's away from the window so that a bird can't scope up the baby," Indie says, biting her lip.

"You do know we made the baby right?" Draco says, "No stork crane or bird is coming to deliver or take the baby away."

"Don't make fun of me," Indie snaps as she rubs her very pregnant belly.

"I'm sorry," Draco sighs and goes over to kiss her head, "I think the crib is fine where it is but if you want I will move it."

"No it's fine," Indie huffs.

"Indigo," Draco states and stares at her.

"It's not a crime for me to want our baby to be safe," She hisses and crossed her arms.

"So I'll move it," Draco responds and levitates the crib to the other corner. "How's that?"

"But now it's closer to the door," Indie sighs and Draco runs a hand through his hair.

"Honey, you're just nesting and I don't think anywhere I put this crib it will be good enough," He says cautiously and walks over to her and slips an arm around her waist, "How about we go grab lunch and we can look at it again in a little bit?"

"Okay," Indie nods, "I am hungry now that you mention it."

"Okay what do you want me to make?" Draco asks.

"Oh a banana and peanut butter sandwich. And a pickle. And chocolate," Indie rambles.

"Okay," He chuckles, "Coming right up."

"I'm going to go see if Cy wants anything. I'll meet you in the kitchen," Indie says as she begins to waddle down the hall.

"Cy," Indie knocks on the door and pushes it open, "Bud Draco is going to make lunch to you want anything?"

"Can I get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich please," Cyan says as he pauses from playing with his stuffed animals.

"Of course you can," Indie smiles but falters as a stab rips across her abdomen and something wet runs down her leg.

"Aunt Indie, did you just pee yourself?" Cyan asks with wide eyes.

"No sweetie, I think my water just broke. I think the baby is coming."

"Oh," Cyan squeaks.

"Buddy I need you to put your PJ's, a shirt, underwear, pants, socks in a book bag and some toys because we need to take you to Mimi's. I am going to get your Uncle."

"Okay," Cyan says and begins scrambling around his room.

"Draco!" Indie yells as another wave of pain hits her, "My water just broke! I think the baby is coming!"

All Indie hears is a couple thumps before Draco yells, "Holy Shit!"


"Draco I don't know if I can do this," Indie cries as she leans into Draco, "It's been five hours. I'm tired."

"I know sweetie," Draco says, kissing her hair and wiping her forehead with a cool washcloth. "But our baby is almost here."

"I want my mum," Indie sobs, "And my sister."

"I know," Draco whispers as his heart breaks, "I'm sure they;re here. And they're just as proud of you as I am. We are all ready to meet his baby on this next push."

"He's right Indie," Karina smiles, "The baby's head is right there and with the next contraction I really need you to bare down okay?"

"I don't know if I can," Indie says shaking her head.

Draco sighs as he moves Indie's hand from his right to his left as he climbs into bed with her and sits behind her so that she's leaning against his back, between his legs, "Okay baby you can do this."

"Draco," Indie cries as the contraction hits, "It hurts."

"I know babe," Draco says, "But a little bit more pain for a lifetime of happiness. Push."

Indie grits her teeth and bares down as Karina helps guide the baby out and loud cries fill the room as Karina holds up the baby and places it on Indie's chest.

"Congratulations! It's a boy!"

"Ohh," Indie cries as a nurse puts a blanket over the baby's back, "He's so tiny."

"And look at all that blonde hair," Draco marvels.

"He's got your nose," Indie points out.

"He's perfect." 


"Are you ready to meet your cousin?" Draco asks Cyan.

"Yeah! Do you think he'll want to play trucks with me?" Cyan asks, holding onto Draco's hand as they walk down the hall.

"He may be too little right now," Draco chuckles.

"Oh okay."

"Ready?" Draco asks once they arrive at the door.

Cyan just nods as he just pushes it open and Cyan cautiously walks over ot the bed. Indie smiles at him with the baby in her arms, "Hey Cy, want to meet your cousin."

Cyan just nods as Draco lifts him up onto the bed and Indie moves the blanket for Cyan to see, "Cy say hi to your cousin Scorpius Navy Malfoy."

"Hey Scrop!" Cyan smiles and reaches out for Scorpius' hand. HIs little fingers wrap around it and Cyan smiles even wider, "He grabbed my hand!"

"That means he likes you," Indie chuckles as Draco moves to stand by her side and kiss her forehead. 

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