Chapter 20: Cruel Summer

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I'm drunk in the back of the car
And I cried like a baby coming home from the bar (oh)
Said, "I'm fine, " but it wasn't true
I don't wanna keep secrets just to keep you
And I snuck in through the garden gate
Every night that summer just to seal my fate (oh)
And I screamed for whatever it's worth
"I love you, " ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?
He looks up grinning like a devil


December 24, 2001

Indie drops her keys in the bowl on the side table as she walks into her apartment, several packages and parcels floating behind her. She sends most of them into Cyan's room and flops onto the couch.

The Weasley's surely knew how to do Christmas Eve. Upon arrival Molly and Arthur give every family matching pajama sets to wear for the night. On the rare occasion Charlie spends the holiday with them he usually just matches his parents. This year Cyan's and Indie's pajamas were blue with little penguins wearing Santa hats all over it. For dinner Molly makes turkey, ham , and roast beef in addition to mac and cheese, scalloped potatoes, broccoli, salad, and rolls. Fleur makes her famous Macaroons, and Angie brings homemade potato salad. It is truly a delicious meal and Indie has looked forward to it every year since the first time she attended back when Navy and Fred started dating.

After dinner, every adult goes around and karaokes a Christmas song while the kids dance and play around. Then they open presents where Molly starts it off by giving everyone their annual jumper and then it goes from the youngest to oldest. The adult children and in-laws and Indie buy for all the kids and gifts for Molly and Arthur but they draw names and only buy one present for that person. This year Indie had Angie and got her a certificate to her favorite spa and a fleece blanket. George had her this year and had gifted her a framed picture front the day Cyan was born with her, Fred, and Navy holding Cyan. He also got her a pair of muggle tennis shoes, Hokas, that were supposed to be good for healthcare workers.

After gifts is then dessert and the rest of the night is spent snacking, eating, and enjoying each other's company while the kids play with their new toys. Usually everyone then spends the night at the Burrow and wakes up to a big brunch Christmas morning but Indie never stays. It's about 11 o'clock and Indie debates whether or not she should shower now or tomorrow morning before picking Cyan up. In addition to Draco coming over for Christmas Dinner tomorrow she had invited Blue over at the last minute. Since the initial meeting she had made more of an effort to repair their relationship and slowly the older brother she knew growing up was coming back to her.

Indie must've dozed off on the couch when a knock at the door startled her awake. She wipes some of the drool off her chin and rubs her eyes before going to answer it.

"Dragon," She smiles somewhat sleepily.

"Hey purple," He smiles and kisses her cheek, "Can I come in?"

"Of course, how was your aunt and mum?"

"They're good. It was a nice dinner and I enjoyed catching up with them," Draco says as she guides him to the couch. "How about you?"

Indie sighs and nestles into Draco's side as they sit on the couch, "It was good. Ate my weight in food and got the world's comfiest jumper."

"Sounds like a success," Draco grins and places a lingering kiss on her head.

"I feel like we haven't had a moment alone in forever," Indie chuckles and looks up at him.

"It's because it has been forever," Draco teases and leans in close.

"Well then we better savor it," Indie giggles as she gets up and straddles him, crashing her lips onto his.

18+ mature sexual themes; not related to the plot so please skip if underage or uncomfortable ****

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