Chapter 18: Right Where You Left Me

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Matches burn after the other
Pages turn and stick to each other
Wages earned and lessons learned
But I, I'm right where you left me


November 14, 2001

Indie had been putting off contacting her brother for a long time. At first she genuinely had no interest in meeting with him and work had just gotten in the way, and Cyan had gotten sick. After Draco's father's funeral the two had become inseparable and he had practically moved into Indie and Cyan's apartment with Rook. Draco spent the night often and would only really pop by his apartment when he had to change clothes. On the days where Indie would have to work and Draco didn't he would stay and take care of Cyan. Cyan had even taken to calling Draco Uncle at times and neither of them corrected him.

Draco was the true motivation for Indie to contact Blue. He was right when he said he had wished to say things to his dad before he died and Indie did have a lot to say to her brother. In the end though it was something she was going to do alone despite Draco offering to be there for her.

Her heels clicked on the cobblestone as she walked to the muggle cafe she had agreed to meet Blue. Indie wasn't one to wear heels and preferred wearing any other shoe, but they made her feel powerful. Heels made Indie feel like an adult and as an already tall female she easily reached six foot with three inch heels. She set her shoulders back and walked like the bad ass she wanted to exude.

Indie was surprised to find Blue already sitting at a table when she arrived but restrained herself from hurrying over like an ashamed little girl. Instead she confidently strode over and took her place in the empty seat across from him.

"Blue," She greets me, taking a deep breath.

"Indigo," He responds, leaning back in his chair coolly. "If you are anything like Navy , I figured I'd order the same drink."

Indie peers at the coffee cup in front of her and picks it up slowly, taking a sip she tilts her head and nods, "It's pretty close. Light roast, half and half and hazelnut with a hint of cinnamon, although I prefer vanilla."

"Close enough," Blue shrugs.

"Close enough for not seeing me for seven years." Indie snaps back.

"Merlin, Go-go," Blue sighs, rolling his eyes, "Can you talk about anything else?"

"One you lost the right to call me that," Indie hisses, "And two how can I not talk about anything else? I can't just forget that you left and just ask what you are up to."

"Well I thought we could at least ease into it." Blue states, leaning across the table with such a stern look that Indie can't help but shrink back into her seat.

"Just spit it out Blue," Indie mumbles, "It's the only reason I came."

"Fine," He responds sharply, "Do you have questions or do you just want to hear my side."

"You tell your side but I can't promise that I won't jump in with questions."

"You will wait until I'm finished," He insists.

"Fine," Indie replies and rolls her eyes before looking at the pastry case, "I need food before you start."

After Indie has an array of pastries does she let Blue start talking. Of course he was young, obviously 17 wasn't old but Navy and Indie were young too. He continued saying he just couldn't take it and when his friend, Jack, talked about going to play professional quidditch in America he took the chance. And somehow he and Jack found their way into the muggle U.S military, where he served for a few years and met Kali, who was in his company and they had fallen in love. They were going to get married until two weeks before Kali and Blue were sent to go home she was shot and killed on impact. According to him this was around the same time the Navy tied and the grief almost took him.

Indie sat stoic and listened with an open mind to Blue's story. She knew that there were certain stresses placed on Blue and to here that the love of his life had died so close to Navy must've been hard but she still couldn't get over the entire lack of communication.

"I am sorry that you lost Kali," Indie says after a moment of silence. "It's not easy to lose people. But why didn't you call, or write. Even before Kali. Why did you not let us know where you were? I was thirteen and our parents had just died and my big brother, a person I looked up to and idolized, just up and abandoned me."

"I just told you I couldn't handle the pressure of raising-"

"No," Indie cuts off, "Navy did a great job of raising me. I'm not saying that. Why didn't you come visit? For the first year I blamed myself that if I wasn't around you wouldn't have left Navy."

"Indie it wasn't your fault. It's mine. And I own up to that. I was just a stupid kid. I was actually there that night, mum and dad died. I had met up with a couple of my friends in Hogsmeade and then we apperated to Diagon Alley. And Conner made a bet that Jack and I wouldn't go down Knockturn Alley but we did. And then mum and Dad were around the corner and were fighting death eaters, random criminals I don't know. But one of them saw me and they pointed their wand at me and dad saw and he jumped in front of me and it hit him. He fell hard on the ground and split his head open and then the other guy used the killing curse on mum while she was distracted and then I just ran. They must've done something to make sure dad was dead too. And when we all heard the news I couldn't bear looking at you or Navy's faces knowing I had caused them. So I left. A small part of me was scared those guys would try and track me down because I was a witness but they never did."

"Oh Blue," Indie sighs, tears brimming to her eyes as she tries to handle this new information.

"And I stayed away because I was worried You or Navy would find out or did and you'd hate me."

"I could never hate you," Indie mumbles and gets up out of her chair to walk around and hug her brother, "You're my B. And it wasn't your fault what happened to mum and dad."

"I appreciate that Go-go but it is."

"It could've happened to any of us," Indie insists as she makes her way back to her seat, "And mum and dad always knew it may happen eventually. It wasn't your fault."

"Whatever," Blue huffs and crosses his arms looking at the floor.

"Now that you shared, do you have any questions for me?" Indie asks, taking a sip of her latte.

"Well, obviously," Blue cracks a smile, " tell me about my nephew."

"Well," Indie grins, "That I could talk about all day. His name is George Cyan Weasleyr, but we call him Cyan to avoid confusion with his Uncle George. Navy and Fred had him the year after they graduated and they were going to get married but then the Battle happened and well... you know. But he's so great and sweet. He is such a perfect blend between Fred and Navy, and the Weasley's have been such a great help when I was trying to sort it all out."

Blue nods, "Well when you're ready I would love to meet him."

"It would be nice to have someone on my side of the family I could introduce to him.

"What about you and the Malfoy kid?"

"His name is Draco."

"I know that."

"We've been dating for a couple months and it's been going well. He's so amazing with Cyan and he really looks out and takes care of me. He makes me so unbelievably happy."

"Good," Blue states and leans over the table, "And if you'll let me I'd like to meet him too and maybe scare him a little."

"Oh my godric B," Indie groans with a smile on her face, "Grow up."

"What, you're my baby sister. I have to double check that he's the real deal."

"You're impossible." 

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