Chapter 6: The Great War

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My hand was the one you reached for

All throughout the Great War

Always remember

Uh-huh, tears on the letter

I vowed not to cry anymore

If we survived the Great War


May 2, 2001

Indie glares at the glowing red five on her digital clock. She wipes the sweat off her forehead, sitting up she pulls her hair back in a messy bun. For the past three years this day has always started the same.

She's back at Hogwarts and the battle is raging on. She's next to her sister and Fred. Percy Weasley is there too. The two redheads are fighting a death eater while Indie and Navy are standing a little bit away fighting their own death eater. Indie heard the explosion before she saw it. She turns as debris flies and dust engulfs her nose. Her eyes widen in horror as she sees the wall begin to crumble down on Fred and Navy is already running over to him. Indie's heart races as the dust and stone obstructs her view of Fred and Navy. Then someone or something grabs her, pulling her to the side as she watches a stream of green whiz past, narrowly missing her, before she too is encased in stone. The nightmare of a memory ends with Indie gasping from a crushing weight on her chest.

That is the most Indie can remember about that day. She remembers not being able to move, laying on something soft but firm. Indie had broken her neck from the other wall collapsing around her. It felt like she stayed like that forever. Then she must have passed out because then she was laying in a cot, surrounded by her Tori, Ruth, and Daphne. She then later found out through Ginny about the fate of Fred and Navy.

Indie stretches out before getting out of bed and tip toes to the living room. She starts to make a pot of coffee and looks in her pantry for something special to make for her and Cyan before heading to the cemetery. Indie had taken Cyan every year on the anniversary to pay respects but this year Indie thought it would be the first year Cyan would have some understanding on what today was. A day other than Victorie's birthday.

Cyan woke up at 7:30 and padded into the living room with his hands behind his back and a mischievous grin that rivaled his father's. Indie peers over her coffee mug as she sits on the couch and gives him a questioning look.

"What you got there buddy?"

Cyan doesn't say anything and instead comes over and wiggles himself onto the catch to sit next to her. Cyan beams as he places a drawing and a slightly withered handful of dandelions on Indie's lap.

"Thank you buddy," Indie smiles and picks up the items, "What's this?" she asks and points to the picture.

"It's me and you," He points to the two stick figures with red hair who are holding hands in a heart. "And that's mummy and Daddy," he continues and points to two red haired stick figures on the cloud with wings. "And see there's a line from us to them and there are hearts because they love us and we love them."

"Oh," Indie squeaks out trying to hold back tears. "That's nice."

"And I know you miss them and get extra sad today," Cyan adds now, wrapping his tiny arms around Indie. "So this is to show that they're here."

"Thank you. It's very thoughtful," Indie sniffs and pulls her nephew close, kissing his head, "How do you feel?"

Cyan shrugs, "Can I have chocolate chip pancakes?"

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