Chapter 33: You Need to Calm Down

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You're being too loud

And I'm just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)

You need to just stop

Like, can you just not step on my gown?

You need to calm down


September 27, 2002

"Are you sure you can handle looking at the venue and doing the flower arrangements?" Indie says, tying her hair up in a messy bun.

"Yes, yes, Cyan and I are on it," Draco smiles and fists bump the young boy.

"Okay I'm popping over to the stationary store for the invites and then Ginny and I are just going to look at a few dresses so I get an idea of necklines and such. I am so lost on the whole dress thing," Indie chuckles.

"I got this and I think whatever dress you pick out you're going to look like a goddess in."

"You're such a flirt dragon."

"Only for you purple."

Indie smiles and kisses both Draco and Cyan on the cheek, "Love you two. Behave."

"Always," Draco and Cyan say in sync, causing her to roll her eyes.


"I could've stayed in that parchment shop forever" Ginny sighs happily as they head to the bridal shop.

"The smell of parchment is one of my favorites," Indie admits, "I also couldn't not get new parchment paper for letters. Those golden butterflies with the purple and blue flowers were too cute."

"Oh I did like those too. I got the ones with the red and orange dragonflies," Ginny smiles.

"Oh cute!" Indie gushes as she pushes open the door.

"Hello, welcome to Winnie's bridal," The worker greets them. "My name is Rachel and I would be happy to find you your dream gown."

"Hi my name's Indie, I'm the bride and I brought my maid of honor Ginny," Indie introduces.

"Nice to meet you two. Do you know what you're looking for?" Rachel asks.

"No idea," Indie chuckles, "I think today I just want to figure out the style and neckline."

"Sounds great I can pull some skirt styles first and then we can focus on the neckline."

"Perfect!" Indie smiles as she and Ginny are led to the dressing room.


After an informative and mostly successful wedding dress shopping Indie was ready to put up her feet at home and relax. She bid Ginny goodbye and apperated home. When she walked through the door she was surprised to see Cyan and Victorie sitting on the floor, and at the sound of her footsteps jumped up to greet her.

"Vic what are you doing here sweetie?" Indie asks giving them both hugs.

"Mummy was screaming and daddy and Draco told us to wait for you," She explains.

"Oh? Why was she screaming?" Indie asks.

"I dunno. Something about baby?" Victorie shrugs.

"Oh," Indie gasps, "Okay um I need you two to go play in the drawing room and I will be right in there."

"Okay," Cyan and Victorie chirp and run to the other room.

Indie sighs putting her bags down and speedily walks toward the back of the house, where Draco's clinic was set up. As she gets closer she can hear the screams of Fleur and eventually finds the room they're in. She knocks before popping her head in to see Fleur breathing through a contraction and squeezing the life out of Bill's hand as Draco sits on a stool at the end of the bed.

"Hey," Indie says softly, "Do you guys need anything."

"Oh thank god you're here," Fleur huffs, "They can't hear me at the front of the house can they?"

"No they can't here you," Indie reassures.

"I have everything I need right now," Draco smiles tiredly, "She's progressing fast as this is her second child in another hour or so the baby should be here."

"How did you end up here?" Indie asks.

Fleur looks to Bill wanting him to explain as another contraction hits her. Bill scrunches his nose but explains, "Well Victorie had Cyan's dragon from when they were both at Mimi's and wanted to return it. Draco said they were home and to come over and as soon as we flooed here Fleur's water broke."

"Oh my, luckily it was here and not Ron and Hermione's," Indie chuckles.

"Ain't that the truth," Fleur groans.

"Okay well if you guys don't need anything I will occupy the kiddos." Indie smiles.

"Thank you," Fleur smiles weakly.

Indie gives one last reassuring smile before closing the door and heading to the drawing room. She puts a record into the player and turns the volume up just in case. The two kids are coloring quietly and she decides that they could use a snack so Indie goes into the kitchen and grabs a few cookies and a glass of milk before heading back.

An hour later there's a knock at the door and Bill is standing there with a smile on his face. Indie walks over and turns the radio off, gaining the attention of the two young children.

"Hey Vicky, are you ready to meet your sister?" Bill asks. "And Cy, your baby cousin."

"I have a sister!" Victorie exclaims and runs to jump on her dad.

"Yes," He grins and moves her hair out of his face, "Her name is Dominique."

"That's a pretty name," Indie smiles.

"Well let's go meet her," Bill says and everyone follows him to the room.

They practically skip to meet the new baby as Bill knocks before entering. Draco gives the go ahead and they pile into the room. Fleur looks incredibly stunning still as she adjusts the blanket the baby is swaddled in.

"My baby sister!" Victorie exclaims.

"Yes, Vicky," Fleur smiles, "Isn't she pretty?"

"So pretty," Victorie agrees and Bill sets her down and she walks over to get a closer look.

"Cy, you can come over too," Fleur says warmly and the young boy cautiously makes his way over.

Indie smiles at the sight and walks over to Draco who just took off his soiled scrubs. Indie kisses him on the cheek and he rests his forehead on hers.

"Some day off," Indie chuckles.

"Yeah," Draco smiles.

"How about you go change and have a shower. I will put the kettle on and start making food. I will also ask Bill and Fleur if they want me to owl anyone the news," Indie smiles.

"Sounds delightful." Draco hums as he steps out.

Indie turns back to Fleur and Bill and makes her way over to see the baby. They say that she is allowed to tell Bill's parents and siblings. Fleur will inform her side later, when she's at home. Indie nods before exiting and heading to the kitchen to start the preparations after she sends those owls. 

Sorry it's short. This was just a filler. 

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