Chapter 24: I Can See You

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'Cause I can see you waitin' down the hall from me
And I could see you up against the wall with me
And what would you do, baby, if you only knew?
That I can see you


March 29, 2002

Indie was still grieving the loss of her friend everyday but she was also continuing to live. She took a few days off work and got back onto it. It was in her nature to busy herself as she coped with grief. Which was better than how Draco was fairing as he had become a shell of himself.

Indie did her best to be there for him as it didn't require much. He seemed to just need her physical presence as soon as she got home he clung to her like a child. It was getting exhausting though and Indie felt like she was mothering him instead of being his girlfriend. They hadn't gone out on a date forever and Indie was craving to be intimate again.

Indie was walking down the hall looking at her clipboard that she hadn't realized she was about to run into someone until it was too late. "Oh shit sorry."

"It's alright," they reply and Indie stops in her tracks.

"Draco?" She asks looking up at him.

"Hey purple," He mumbles.

"I didn't realize you were working today."

"Yeah, yeah I picked up an 8 hour shift. My bereavement time was up."

"Oh," Indie says as they stare at each other.

"Indie there you are," Karina exclaims rounding the corner, "I need your help turning with Mrs. Patreon."

"I'll be right there," Indie responds and glances at Draco, "I'll see you after work."

"Yeah." He nods as Indie leaves.


"What's going on with you and Malfoy?" Elijah asks as he, Indie, and Gretchen enjoy their lunch.

"Why?" Indie asks.

He shrugs, "You two just seem off. Did you break up?"

"No!" Indie exclaims, "Not that it's any of your business."

"But are you guys okay?" Gretchen presses.

Indie sighs and shrugs, "I guess. Our friend passed away recently and it's just that or dating life has... dwindled?"

"Dwindled how?" Gretchen asks.

"I feel like his mother. He just clings to me... all the time and not in a romantic way. And I am just exhausted."

"I would be too," Grethcen mutters.

"Have you talked to him?" Elijah asks.

"I don't want to upset him further."

"Well too fucking bad. I get he's sad but he has to stop draining you." Gretchen insists.

"I know," Indie nods, "I'll try and talk to him later."


"I delivered a baby today!" Indie exclaims as she closes her kitchen cupboard.

"That's nice," Draco says dully.

Indie huffs but attempts to ignore him as she continues to move around the kitchen. She feels Draco walk up behind her and he wraps his arms around her. Instead of kissing her though he just lays his head on her shoulder and sighs.

"I missed you today."

"You saw me at work."

"But you weren't with me."

At this Indie can't take it anymore and huffs, pulling away from him, "I can't do this anymore Draco."

"Do what?"

"Continue to be your mother! I know you're grieving and there's nothing wrong with that. But I can't baby you anymore. I'm going through my grief and I can't help myself while you cling to me. It makes me feel less of a girlfriend and more like your mother. I miss when you used to kiss me and when you would take me on dates. I get you may not be in that place now but you need to start trying."

"Indie," Draco scoffs as his face looks hurt.

"I think it would be best if you go back to your own apartment right now. I need some space and I need to get Cyan."

Draco scowls and stalks out the door, slamming the door behind him. Indie pinches the bridge of her nose as she flops down on the couch.


Cyan is sleeping on Indie's shoulder as she unlocks the door to her apartment. He had spent the day with Connie and the two spent the day in downtown London with Daphne and it really wore him out. She takes him to his room and tucks him into bed but not before taking off his shoes.

She hops into the shower and gets ready for bed when there is a soft knock at the door. She sighs and trudges towards the door, answering it. Standing in front of her was Draco with a bouquet of daisies and a chocolate eclair.

"I'm sorry," Draco apologizes, "I shouldn't have been treating you like my mother. And I missed getting you a pastry after work."

Indie gives him a small smile and takes the pastry and bouquet before gesturing to Draco to come in.

"I appreciate it. And I don't want you to feel like you can't lean and rely on me but I just didn't feel like your girlfriend anymore."

"I know," Draco nods, "Which is why I'm going to take you out tomorrow."

"You are?"

"Yeah, dress nice it's a surprise," He grins and kisses her. 

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