Chapter 28: Sad Beautiful Tragic

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We had a beautiful magic love there
What a sad beautiful tragic love affair


May 2, 2002

"Draco I don't know," Indie sighs looking at herself in the mirror, "This feels wrong."

"It's a remembrance celebration," Draco states, "It's a healing experience to come together and remember all those good people."

"I don't have a gown. I had been putting it off." Indie admits as Draco continues to fuss with his cuff links, "Plus Cy has never been babysat by Karina and what if he's upset."

"Karina is the best," Draco reassures, "Cy will be fine. I also knew you put it off so I had my mother send me something. I think you'll like it."

Indie holds her breath as Draco goes into his closet and pulls out a dress box and takes the lid off.

"Oh wow," Indie gasps.

"I figured it should be Navy to honor your sister, plus I know about the locket that Fred gave her, that you have, and figured that you could wear it with it," Draco explains, "If you don't like it my mum could probably find something."

"It's prefect Dragon," Indie smiles, "Thank you."


Draco and Ada walk arm in arm down the steps to the Great Hall, several reporters snapped their pictures on the way in. A few even asked her to comment on Navy and Fred, to which Draco handled with a steely signature glare and moved so that Ada was on the opposite side of them. They made their way to the table with the seating cards on it and saw that they were at table five.

Draco moved so that Ada was in front of him and placed his hand on the small of her back as they made their way to the table. Indie felt a little more relaxed when she noticed Daphne, Blaise, Ruth and her date.

"Hey you two," Daphne greets as Draco pulls out Ada's chair for her.

"Hi," Ada smiles, "I love your dress Daph."

"Thanks," She beams, "Blaise designed it."

"That's really impressive," Draco nods. "You look nice too Ruth."

"Thanks Ferret," Ruth smiles smugly.

"It is a pretty dress," Ada admits, "And who is this?"

"Oh this," Ruth grins, "Is Nico."

"Nice to meet you," He smiles.

"I'm surprised I thought Ginny would be sitting with us," Ada comments, looking around the room for her.

"She's at the big long table up front," Blaise states, "She, Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and really the whole Weasley gang are up there with McGonagall. Table of honor you know."

"Makes sense," Draco says as they wait for dinner to be served.


"Now before we open up the dance floor I am going to invite Ginny Weasly up to say a few words," Headmistress McGonagall states as everyone finishes eating.

Indie pats her mouth with her napkin and tosses it on her plate as Ginny walks up to the podium.

"Hello," Ginny greets, "We are all here today to honor the lives of our loved ones today. I was at the front lines of a lot of the fighting despite my young age, and now looking back on it. Seeing several kids reach the age I was I can't believe I was doing all that. I was so young. A lot of us were. My brother, Fred, and sister-in-law Navy were two of the fallen and it brings me great joy to see them among those who we are honoring today." Indie inhales sharply and Draco reaches under the table to squeeze her and as Ginny continues. "I know there was some push back with the idea of a ball honoring the events represented today but I feel like this is a way to help us all come together and heal. It's a time to mourn, yes but also a time to reminisce of old memories, to share in laughter and joy with those still with us, and to celebrate the lives they live. So please join my husband and I for the first dance of the evening."

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