Chapter 30: Bejeweled

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Best believe I'm still bejeweled
When I walk in the room
I can still make the whole place shimmer


June 5, 2002

Indie had been moving non stop all day. She was in the ER today and was seeing patient after patient. Most were the result of some dumb shenanigan but some were quite serious accidents. Her fixes had ranged from a potion for nausea, to having to schedule an operation because a foreign object was lodged somewhere it shouldn't be. She was just about to go on her lunch break finally around 4 when she ran into a familiar face.

"Michael?" She asks stopping in her tracks.

"Hey Indigo," He smiles lopsided, "Long time no see huh?"

"Yeah," She chuckles nervously, "What are you doing here?"

"Cut my finger and it won't stop bleeding."

"Well I was just going to go on my lunch break but I guess I can look you over." Indie offers.

"You're a peach."


"If you were getting your Aunt a ring, which one would you pick?" Draco asks as he and Cyan stand over the jewelry case.

"None of these," Cyan says strongly.

"Really?" Draco asks, slightly surprised.

"They're too big," He explains, "Her rings are small."

"Yeah," Draco sighs, "I guess you're right. Purple is more simple and classy."

"Can we go eat?" Cyan asks.

"Yeah," Draco smiles, "We can go to another shop after."


"So tell me what's new with you?" Michael asks, resting his head on his hand.

Indie tuts, "Oh I don't know where to start."

"You have an hour lunch," He smiles and waits.

After Indie patched him up Michael offered to take her to lunch. Usually Indie would decline but seeing his face after so long she couldn't say no. Even after all this time his smile still made her melt a little. She takes a sip of water before speaking, "Well let's see I still am looking after Cyan, he's going to be five in a few days."

"I am in awe of you stepping up and taking care of him like that," Ethan marvels, "It must be hard doing it alone."

Indie feels a tug at her heart and a lump forms in her throat, "I wasn't really alone ever. I had a great support system to help me. We actually live with my boyfriend right now. And he's great with Cy."

"I'm glad. You deserve someone like that," Ethan nods, "I'm sorry that guy wasn't me."

"I was sorry too for a long time," Indie admits, "But we just graduated and I couldn't beg you to stay."

"If you did I probably would have."

"I know you would. You're a good guy," Indie sighs, "But you would've grown to resent us and we would've been miserable."

"Probably," Michael chuckles weakly and stares at his plate.

"I don't regret us though," Indie says quickly, "We were together for only a few months, but you got me through those first few months after the battle. You were my rock and I'm sorry we didn't stay friends."

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