Chapter 8: Gorgeous

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You're so gorgeous

I can't say anything to your face

'Cause look at your face (gorgeous)

And I'm so furious

At you for making me feel this way

But what can I say? You're gorgeous

At you for making me feel this way

But what can I say? You're gorgeous


June 10, 2001

Fleur Weasley née Delacour knew how to throw a marvelous brunch. She didn't have them often but when she did Indie would never miss it. This brunch in particular was exclusively for the "caregivers", meaning Indie, Ginny, Daphne, and by extension Tori. The group of five had interacted closely with one another through the children, who were all spending a lovely day at Molly's, but Fleur enjoyed a nice adult debrief every once and a while.

"So," Fleur hums while taking a sip of her mimosa, "What's this I here, Indie, about you and a certain... hmmm, how do you say... blonde haired prick?"

Indie coughs, almost spitting out her drink, "Excuse me."

"You seeing the Malfoy boy, no?"

"No," Indie blushes while furiously shaking her head.

"Oh please," Daphne smiles and sets down her bloody Mary, "You guys couldn't keep your hands off him at the football match last month. And you guys walk to and from work together."

"Oh come on guys... not this again!"

"You're right. We're probably looking wayyy to into this," Ginny laughs but then drops her face, "It's not like you guys spend time together outside work. Oh wait... you do spend almost as much time with Malfoy as you do Cyan."

"I agree with Ginny," Tori adds, "And I want to circle back to what my sister was saying. What happened at the match?"

"Yes, yes do share," Fleur encourages while scooping more fruit onto her plate.

"It was nothing. At one point he and I left our seats and some guys were fighting and being so obnoxious and he just stood in front of me and took my hand, leading me out. And then he just put his hand on my knee as he was trying to talk to Blaise down the row," Indie brushes off as she cuts up her waffles, "And I mean... he did grab my hand as we were watching the penalty kick and he did grab me by the waist," she giggles, "When I tripped on a can and I thought I was going to fly over the security rail... and then he like held me toward his chest for a moment..." Indie pauses and sets down her silverware, looking at the four faces beaming at her. She blushes and takes her glass mumbling into it, "Oh so maybe I like him."

"Finally!" Ginny exclaims, slamming a hand on the table.

"Oh my godric you need to ask him out!" Daphne exclaims and claps.

"No," Indie dismisses, "It's a tiny small crush. Plus we work together and I mean you dated him Tori, I wouldn't want to break the girl code."

"Break it!" Tori grins, "Been there done that. You would look so cute together!"

"I don't know if he even likes me. I could be over romanticizing," Indie argues.

"It sounds to me that he likes you too," Fleur adds as she takes a spoonful of yogurt.

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