Chapter 2: Mean

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All you are is mean

And a liar, and pathetic, and alone in life

And mean, and mean, and mean, and mean


April 16, 2001 (10 AM)

"Why the fuck are you sprinting?" Draco huffs as Indie speed walks and weaves her way through the halls of the hospital.

"Because Healer Cooper said to answer every call at a run," Indie states.

"I don't think she met it literally."

"Better to be safe than sorry."

The two arrive at the room and the Healer ushers the two of them in. Indie looks around the room to assess the situation. Indie's eyes widen as she recognizes the patient and blurts out, "Cass?"

"Indie," He grins through a split lip, dribbling blood, and his humorous bone sticking out of his arm. "Fancy seeing you here?"

"Oh my godric what did you do?" Indie asks.

"Healer Onasis," The primary healer scolds, "We are to conduct professionally when interacting with patients."

"Sorry," She mumbles and takes a step back from Cassius Warrington.

The primary healer's badge reads Healer Fille and he clears his throat, "This is Cassius Warrington and as you can see he has a split lip as well as an open fracture of the humerus bone. These were sustained during his quidditch practice."

"For the Banchory Bangers," Cassius smiles with a wink.

Healer Fille glances at him before continuing, "The Healers at the facility weren't equipped to handle this extent of injury so he was brought here. I need you guys to get me a muggle stitch and a bone mending potion and a cloth wrap."

"Why do you need the muggle stuff?" Draco asks and Indie has to fight the urge to facepalm.

"For matters of breaking or tearing the skin, studies have shown that using the muggle method of stitching leaves less of a scar compared to the wizarding spells and potions used to in more severe instances."

"Why can't you just accio them?" Draco continues and Indie glances at the ever growing annoyance on Healer Fille's face.

"Because," Healer Fille sighs, "Accio objects throughout the hospital are dangerous. You don't know who may grab it or what it may come in contract with before it gets to you and poses a serious health hazard."

"Weird," Draco states. "But we don't know where all that stuff is?"

"Oh my Merlin, shut up," Indie hisses under her breath, knowing they could've figured it out as they went.

Healer Fille clicks his tongue, "I was going to have one of you help me stitch Mr. Warrington up but I think instead I'll grant you an even more valuable lesson. We just got a shipment of supplies in so why don't you two find the utility closest and get familiar with the supplies while you unpack it."

"But sir," Draco starts to protest but Indie finally cuts him off, "Yes sir. Hope you feel better Cass."

"Thanks," Cassius grins as Indie grabs Draco by the wrist and drags him out of the room.


12 PM

"I can't believe they're allowing us to do such grunt work," Draco mumbles as he restocks the anti nausea potions.

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