Chapter 34: Lover

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Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover


October  19, 2002

"Oh Indie you look magnificent," Fleur gushes as she holds baby Dominique.

"Thanks Fluer," Indie giggles and continues to stare at herself in the mirror, "I look like a china doll."

"You look stunning," a seven month pregnant, Daphne smiles as she straightens Connie's flower girl dress.

"Blaise is a master with fabric," Indie states as she puts her hands on her waist, "And my corset, can you believe this waistline?"

A knock at the door followed by Ruth asking, "Can I come in?"

"Of course," Indie smiles.

"I finally found where my shoes went," Ruth chuckles, "Oh and Indie how much would you hate me if I hit on your brother."

"I'd rather not throw up on this dress," Indie glares playfully.

Ruth brushes her off, "Don't worry he already politely turned me down."

"Don't worry Ruth there are plenty of rich eligible bachelors here," Ginny chuckles as she exits the loo. "You and Draco are going to be all over the papers, Indie. There are as many photographers here as there were at my wedding."

"She is marrying the richest man in the wizarding world," Daphne smiles, "This is like the royal wedding."

"You look like a princess Aunt Indie," Victorie smiles as she twirls in her dress.

"Thank you sweetie," Indie smiles and takes a deep breath just as there is a knock at the door.

"You ladies decent?" Blue asks on the other side.

"I'm not," Ruth smiles coly.

"We're all decent," Indie says, shooting her friend a look.

Blue opens the door and smiles, "Wow you look beautiful Go-go."

"Thanks B," Indie gushes.

"Well I've been told by the ma'ams in charge that it is time." Blue states.

Ginny stands and helps Indie off the little podium in front of the mirror and the bridesmaids and flower girls file out. Indie walks over to her brother and takes his arm. They begin their descent down the stairs. Draco and Indie decided in the Luttrellstown Castle to get married. The ceremony was to be outside while the reception was in the great hall.

"I can't believe you're getting married," Blue states as they wait for the procession to begin.

"Me either, how did I become this old," Indie chuckles.

"How do you think it makes me feel," Blue laughs.

"Aunt Indie," a small voice says behind her and she turns to see Cyan bounding towards her.

"Cyan I thought you were going to stand up with Draco? What are you doing back here?" Indie asks.

"I wanted to walk you down with Uncle B."

"Oh," Indie says as her heart melts, "of course you can sweetie."

"Yeah!" Cyan exclaims, "You look so pretty."

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