Chapter 35: Everything Has Changed

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All I knew

This morning when I woke

Is I know something now

Know something now I didn't before


October 28, 2002

"Baby is measuring great," Indie states as she gives Daphne a rag to wipe off the ultrasound gel.

"Thanks, this muggle ultrasound is amazing," Daphne smiles, "Blaise was so bummed to have missed it but he'll love the pictures."

"I know it's great," Indie smiles, "We only just got one a few months ago," Indie pauses and puts a hand over her mouth as she feels bile raising in her throat before continuing, "and it's fascinating."

Daphne tilts her head and asks, "Are you alright there?"

"Yeah I just..." Indie pauses again, "Got nauseous all of a sudden. I felt like it yesterday too. I think the eggs have gone bad or something."

"Or maybe you're pregnant," Daphne giggles.

"Oh please," Indie scoffs.

"Come on Indie, you guys got back from your honeymoon a few days ago and I know you weren't a virgin bride," Daphne chuckles.

"Oh my godric," Indie groans with a smile as she gently shoves Daphne's shoulder.

"Do the test," Daphne begs.

"I can't do it on myself," Indie says.

"You can't?"

"No, the spell has to be done by someone else after you drink the potion. Only the caster can see the results and it won't work if you aren't a medical professional so don't even thin about trying to do it for me."

"Gosh darn," Daphne laughs, "Oh you should have Draco do it. It would be a hell of a way to tell him."

"Maybe I'll think about it but I don't know I'm convinced."

"Trust me," Daphne says, "I have a sense about these things."

"Okay," Ada chuckles as she sees her friend out.


Through the rest of her shift Indie can't help but replay Daphne said over and over in her mind. There is a chance that she could be pregnant but a part of her feels like it's too soon and even though they've talked about it she worries Draco may think it's too soon. She has half a mind to pull Gretchen over and just do the test then and there, but if she is indeed pregnant she would rather find out with Draco.

At three o'clock she gets sent home because she has thrown up twice and from 3 pm to 7 pm was over time. She is grateful and quickly grabs her things. Making sure she gets permission to take a pregnancy potion. Indie chugs down the vile before apperating home. Cyan is at Molly's until 4:30 and Draco should be with his last patient. Just as Indie enters the house and makes her way to Draco's clinic she sees someone floo away. She peeks her head into Draco's exam room to see him sanitizing everything.

"Hey you," She says and walks into the room.

"Hey love," Draco smiles, setting down the medical instruments and walks over to kiss her cheek, "You're home early."

"Yeah they had enough people so they let me go. I also wasn't feeling well."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that babe," Draco says and places the back of his hand on her forehead, "You don't feel warm."

"I'm not sick," Indie chuckles.

"You just said you didn't feel well."

"I may be pregnant," Indie blurts out and bites her lip.

"Seriously?" Draco replies with childlike wonder.

"Maybe, I don't know. But I told Daphne I wasn't feeling well and she thought maybe I was. So I took the potion and I need you to do the spell."

"You didn't have Gretchen do it!?" Draco exclaims.

"No, if I... we are pregnant, I want you to be there when we find out," Indie confesses.

"Okay, um yeah" Draco says patting down his pockets to find his wand, "Where's my wand!"

'It's on the counter by the sink," Indie chuckles as Draco smiles.

"Oh right," Draco chuckles, "Thanks. Ready?"

"Yep," Indie chirps.

Draco takes a deep breath before muttering the spell. Indie holds her breath as she tries to gauge his reaction but he's stone cold. Indie can't take it any longer and asks, "Well are we having a baby?"

The question hangs in the air before Draco breaks out into a grin, "We;re having a baby!"

"Oh my godric!" Indie exclaims as she runs into Draco's arms. "We're having a baby!"

"I can't believe it," Draco smiles and kisses Indie, "I'm so happy."

"Me too!" Indie giggles.

"I can't wait to tell Cy!" Draco grins.

Indie gets serious as she asks, "Do you think he'll be okay? I don't want him to think we're replacing him."

"He won't think that," Draco reassures and brushes her hair out of her face.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive and I have a great idea where to tell him." 


"How was Mimi's?" Indie asks as she, Draco and Cyan walk into the manor.

"It was good. We made cookies and degnome the garden," Cyan replies cheerily.

"Sounds like a busy day," Draco replies, "Hey before we sit down for dinner, why don't you head to the living room? We have a present for you."

"Really?" Cyan exclaims."It's not even my birthday or Christmas!"

"We know but something else special is happening," Indie chuckles as they all head to the living room.

Cyan sits on the couch as Draco goes behind the couch to get the present while Indie sits on the ottoman and chews her lip. Draco hands Cyan the gift and then takes a seat next to Indie. Cyan eyes the present curiously before ripping off the paper to reveal a baby and a diaper bag.

"A baby doll," Cyan states as he looks up at the adults.

"Cyan your Uncle Draco and I are going to have a baby," Indie says gently.

"And we thought it would be nice to get you a diaper bag and baby so that you can practice being a big brother," Draco adds.

"I'm going to be a big brother," Cyan exclaims and jumps up, "I'm getting a sister!"

"Well we don't know yet," Indie chuckles.

"But maybe or a brother," Draco adds. "But aren't you excited?"

"Yes," Cyan says and picks up his baby doll, "Shh you have to be quiet while the baby is sleeping."

"Oh okay," Indie whispers, "Do you want to put the baby to bed and then have dinner?"

"Yes," Cyan nods and looks down at the doll, "Come on baby Ally, time to go to night night."

"He took that well," Indie says with a sigh of relief and leans her head on his shoulder.

"I know he would," Draco smiles and kisses her forehead, "What do you want for dinner?"

"Me and the baby want spaghetti and meatballs."

"Well your wish is my command." 

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