Chapter 26: You're On Your Own Kid

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Everything you lose is a step you take

So make the friendship bracelets

Take the moment and taste it

You've got no reason to be afraid

You're on your own, kid

Yeah, you can face this


April 6,2002

Indie's eyes start to well as she looks around her now empty apartment. Her eye catches on the scuff that's next to the corner of the wall to the bathroom, which was a result of Cyan learning to potty train. And she can still hear Cyan's baby giggle as he takes his first steps around the apartment. Ginny was in her off season and had offered to help Indie move herself and Cyan out and into Malfoy Manor. Blaise and Daphne were also able to help and had taken most of their belongings over already.

Indie just had the box with a few pictures along with the belongings she saved of Fred and Navy's. All she needed to do was leave her keys and join everyone at her new home but she just couldn't make herself move. The door opening caused her to jump but was comforted with the face of Ginny who was looking at her knowingly.

"It's hard saying goodbye," Ginny states and walks over to Indie, giving her a hug.

"I didn't think it would be this hard though," Indie chokes out with tears now falling.

"This was your first home. It's where Cyan did a lot of first. It's where you had a lot of first. This is a proper reaction to a big change in your life. When I moved in with Harry from the Burrow I was practically inconsolable," Ginny admits, "You and Draco have practically been living together anyway but it's still a big step in your relationship and a change."

"I just don't want him to see me like this," Indie admits, "He'l think I don't want to move in. And I do. It's just that... I don't know. I grew up here too, along with Cy in that first year. And it's weird to say goodbye."

"I know," Ginny reassures, "But we do have to say goodbye eventually."

"I know. Just give me another minute."


"I can't believe that he got Cy a race car bed?" Indie tuts to Daphne as she shakes her head, watching Draco and Blaise put it together.

"Draco just loves to spoil," Daphne chuckles as she and Indie head into the spare bedroom.

"I don't need Cy getting a big ego."

The moving process as a whole wasn't that hard. Indie had put the few trinkets and belongings of hers in the master bedroom, which she would sort through later. Cyan's stuff was occupying the foyer as they waited for the bed to be assembled before moving anything else in. Indie's old bed, and the living room couch was going into a spare bedroom that Daphne and Indie were working on finishing.

"I think he does it because in a way his dad never did you know," Daphne states, "Sure they had a shit load of money but I don't think Lucius necessarily bought or catered to anything Childlike in interest. Godric when Connie was born he was almost as over the moon as Blaise was. It wasn't much of a surprise though, Draco has always wanted kids."

"Really?" Indie asks, slightly shocked as she starts to make the bed.

"Yeah. In most cases of horrible parents many kids grow up not wanting kids of their own in fear or repeating cycles but with Draco he's hellbent on not turning into his father, and wanting kids to prove so in a way," Daphne says and glances at Indie's eide eyes, "But I don't want to freak you out. I'm just saying that because of how over the top he gets sometimes with Connie and now Cy."

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