Chapter 36: Cowboy like Me

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I've got some tricks up my sleeve
Takes one to know one
You're a cowboy like me


December 2, 2002

Draco had taken Cyan with him to go consult for the Chudley Cannons, as their regular healer just went on maternity leave and they needed someone to do the mid season evaluations, and Indie had the day off so she was heading over to Daphne's. Her due date was supposed to be the 8th but she had the baby a week and a half early.

Daphne had invited the girls over to meet the new baby and to get some quality adult conversation. Indie splashed some water on her face before checking over herself in the mirror before grabbing her purse to leave. She has had a horrible run of morning sickness, so much so she had to get a rehydrating potion twice already.

"I better get over there before I throw up again," Indie sighs before grabbing a bottle of anti nausea potion.

She rolls her shoulders before apperating to Zabini's manor. She greets the Butler Niles who directs her to the drawing room but as she makes her way there she feels the bile rise in her throat and makes a detour to the bathroom and as she opens the door she runs into Ginny coming out.

"Oh sorry Ginny I just-" Indie covers her mouth and pushes past to the toilet before throwing up.

"Oh my godric!" Ginny exclaims.

"Oh I'm sorry you had to see that," Indie groans and places her head in her hands.

"You're pregnant!" Ginny exclaims.

"Please don't tell anyone I am just over a month."

"I won't. I'm pregnant too. Two months," Ginny exclaims as Indie pulls herself up.

"Oh my godric! Congrats Gin!" Indie smiles and hugs her friend.

"You too!" Ginny gushes, "I will let you clean up and I'll see you in there."

Indie smiles and flushes the toilet before washing her hands and cleaning herself up. She takes a sip of the potion before walking out and into the drawing room. Daphne is sitting on the couch, looking gorgeous as ever holding little Demerits Blaise Zabini, Demi for short. Fluer is on the love seat to the right holding little Dominique meanwhile Ginny is sitting on the floor with her back against the ottoman.

"I was beginning to think you got lost," Daphne chuckles.

"What can I say your Manor is like a labyrinth," Indie chuckles as she goes to sit down next to Ginny but Daphne stops her.

"Hey, can you hold Demi?" Daphne asks, holding him out, "I need to go check on Connie and I have to use the bathroom."

"Of course," Indie smiles while taking the baby, "Come to Auntie Indie."

Demi smiles and coos, reaching out her finger allowing him to grasp onto it and Indie's heart swells as she forgot how great it is to hold a baby. Fleur reaches to the coffee table and picks up a scone, "So how have you been Indie? Cy says you've been feeling sick lately?"

"Oh I am better now," Indie smiles, "I just ate something unseasonable when we had a luncheon at work a while ago."

"Well I'm glad to hear it," Fleur smiles, "And Ginny what's this that I hear that you aren't playing this season?"

"Where did you hear that from?" Ginny asks.

"You're mother who else," Fleur chuckles.

"Such a blabbermouth," Ginny rolls her eyes, "I just want to be more around Teddy. With Harry working more hours I think it's important he has some parent figure around."

"That's very admirable," Fleur smiles as she adjusts Dominique's blanket. "I've actually been thinking about working. I've always enjoyed baking and I've been talking with Molly and I think I'm going to open a Bakery."

"Oh Fleur, that's amazing!" Indie smiles.

"What's amazing?" Daphne asks coming back into the room.

"Fleur and my mum are going to open a bakery," Ginny smiles.

"Oh that's amazing," Daphne exclaims as she sits on the couch, "I will send in a request for Connie's birthday now. You're cakes are divine and I don't want to wait too long."

"I appreciate the confidence," Fleur blushes.

"Oh here Daph," Indie says, going to hand her back her son but she waves her off.

"If he ain't hungry you can keep holding him." Daphne smiles, "I am not one of those mum's who always wants to hold the baby. Plus you're not crazy like Blaise's mother."

"What did she do?" Ginny asks.

"She wanted us to name the baby after her father. His name was Alfredo. I am not naming my baby after a cheese!" Daphne cries, "Oh and godric it just took her forever to approve of me. Until Connie was born she would always make snide comments about my clothes, my cooking, and how I needed to be a better wife. Over the years it's gotten better but now with the birth of Demi she's like trying to raise him as her second son. I refuse to leave her alone with him."

"Don't I know a thing or two about mother in law approval," Fleur chuckles.

"It's going to sound awful," Ginny sighs, "But a part of me is glad Harry's parents are dead."

"Oh my god Ginverva!" Daphne exclaims.

"What. They sounded like lovely people but they had him young and a small part of me worries that his mum wouldn't like me. From what he says we are so similar I worry she would've been threatened or something. And it's awful for me to say. And I do wish I could've met them and I'd rather them be here but I just can't help but be grateful not to argue who gets Christmas day or who gets Christmas eve."

"That's fair," Indie shrugs, "Sometimes I wonder if Draco is a little grateful for not having inlaws."

"Oh I didn't even think that I'm sorry for saying that Indie," Ginny says ashamed.

"Don't be. It's a valid worry. I am glad one of my in-laws is incarcerated and his mother is really great which I am thankful for. But I worry that if my parents were alive there may be tensions for a while considering my parents were aurors and they were... associated with death eaters. And I don't know if I could deal with my mum and Cissy arguing over baby names or traditions. I do feel your struggle Ginny. But like you said the ultimate goal is "it would've been nice if they had met but silver lining?"

"Give me back my baby," Daphne chuckles, "I can't have him be around mood killers."

"Oh please I bet you're glad you only have a mother in law," Ginny teases.

"I can't complain although maybe it would've got his mother off my back,"Daphne chuckles.

"Am I the only one with two in-laws and my parents still alive?" Fleur asks.

"Yep," Ginny, Indie, and Daphne say with shit eating smiles.

"Oh godric," She sighs, "Thank god I pumped enough milk before I left. I am going to need a glass of wine."

"Just wait until you have a son," Daphne grins before sipping her tea.

"Merde. Dieu ait pitié de mon âme. Merde ça" (Shit. God have mercy on my soul. Fuck!" Fleur mutters in French.

"Oh Niles right on time," Daphne smiles as he comes in, "Grab our finest Pinot and a glass for my friend Madame Weasley."

"Right away ma'am," Niles nods before leaving.

"None of this leaves this room," Fleur replies.

"Of course," Ginny says.

"Godric forbid," Daphne adds.

"I'm a vault," Indie chuckles. 

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