Chapter 22: Today Was a Fairytale

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Today was a fairytale

I wore a dress

You wore a dark gray t-shirt

You told me I was pretty when I looked like a mess

Today was a fairytale


January 9, 2002

Indie rolled over on the bed and stretched herself out with a yawn. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and turned her head to her clock, surprised when it read 9:30 AM. Indie was naturally an early bird and raising a toddler who had a habit of waking her before 7 rarely gave Indie the luxury of sleeping in. After a moment of contentment, a jolt of fear shot through her as she struggled to reason why Cyan hadn't woken her up. She sat up in bed just as her door opened and Draco, holding a tray of food, walked in.

"Good Morning love," He smiles and sets the tray down on her lap and kisses her cheek.

"Morning," Indie grins and looks down at the tray in front of her, "What is all this?"

"It's your birthday breakfast," Draco smiles and sits at the edge of the bed, "And before you ask Cyan is with George right now but don't worry he will celebrate with us later. And yes I know your birthday."

"How?" Indie asks.

After Navy died Indie never really celebrated her birthday. For the longest time she had spent birthdays with just Navy and later Fred so when they died she just didn't see the point. While Indie was in school Tori, Ruth, and Ginny never had much to celebrate everyone's birthday so they usually just made each other gifts or treated the birthday person to a desert on the next trip to Hogsmeade. Since becoming the guardian of Cyan Indie made sure to go all out for his birthday but when it came to hers she made sure just to make it special by getting ice cream or something. Birthday's Indie deduced were for children, something she hadn't identified herself as for a long time.

"You really think I wouldn't know when the love of my life's birthday?" Draco chuckles.

"No," Indie smiles and shoves him lightly, "It just never came up."

"Believe it or not I pay attention to things plus I had Ginny, Ruth, and Tori reminding me since Christmas."

"Now why would they do that?" Indie questions as she starts cutting the homemade chocolate chip waffles he made her.

"To quote Tori, You only turn 20 once and besides this may be the last party I ever go to."

Indie pauses with her fork halfway to her mouth and gapes, "She said that?"

Draco sighs, "Word for word. But I think Tori has a point. You only turn 20 once so why not celebrate."

"I haven't celebrated a birthday since I was 16."

"I know," Draco sighs and moves so he sits directly next to her and wraps an arm around her shoulder, "And I get why you didn't but you still have so many people who love you and want to celebrate the pretty great person you are, which is why I have a whole day plan to make you feel special."

"Well aren't you sweet," Indie smiles and kisses Draco on the cheek.

"I try," Draco shrugs, "How's breakfast?"

"Really amazing," Indie smiles and takes another bite of her waffle.

"I'm glad," Draco smiles and kisses her forehead, "Is the milk okay for right now or do you want me to make some coffee?"

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