Chapter 19: Soon You'll Get Better

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Ooh-ah, you'll get better soon

'Cause you have to

I know delusion when I see it in the mirror

You like the nicer nurses, you make the best of a bad deal

I just pretend it isn't real


December 9, 2001

This was one of the first days that both Indie and Draco had off but Indie wouldn't spend it with him or Cyan. Instead, she was going Christmas shopping with Ruth and Tori. It had been awhile since the three of them had all hung out and it felt like they were back at school as they wandered through Hogsmeade.

Out of the three of them Indie had to buy the most gifts as she and Cyan always went over to the Burrow for Christmas eve so she decided to buy the kids gifts at a later date. Indie was pretty gifted when it came to picking and choosing out gifts. It was almost a superpower with how thoughtful and accurate she was but Draco had proven a stumper.

He quite literally could buy anything and everything he could ever want. But surprisingly he was a simple man, who didn't buy a lot of non-essential things. This was their first Christmas together, as the plan was for him to go to his mother's on Christmas Eve but then spend Christmas day with Cyan and her. Indie knew the way he had spent Christmases in the past were less than festive and she intended to make this the best one yet.

Around one they all had gotten hungry and headed into the three broomsticks. It was a little crowded as a few students were still savoring the last of their weekend but they were able to find a booth tucked into the corner.

Madam Rosmerta came over and greeted the girls before taking their orders. Ruth had gotten a shepherd's pie, Indie got fish and chips, and Tori got a salad, which was unlike her. Tori had been quieter than usual and Indie was slightly concerned with how dull Tori's appearance became. Her hair seemed to turn ashy and it looked thinner. Her cheeks appeared just a little more hollow and overall just seemed skinnier.

Halfway through lunch with everyone talking excitedly about the upcoming holiday Tori patted her napkin to her mouth before setting it on the table. "Guys I have something to tell you," she states.

"Are you pregnant or something?" Ruth chuckles and her face drops when Tori's remains serious. "Oh my godric? Are you?"

"No," Tori chuckles, "I'm not pregnant."

"Then what is it Tori?" Indie asks.

"I'm dying," Tori states, causing Ruth to spit out her gillywater.

"The fuck you are!" Ruth shouts.

"What do you mean you're dying?" Indie asks, "Maybe I can look into muggle medical interventions to help ease whatever ailment."

"There is no cure for this muggle or wizard," Tori states, "It's a blood curse. Supposedly it dates back generations and somehow I am the unlucky one."

"No," Ruth shakes her head, still not wanting to face reality.

"What did your parents and Daph say?" Indie asks.

"They're devastated but they've just been trying to make me comfortable."

"How long have you known?" Ruth demands.

"A month or so," Tori states, "I just wanted time to process before I told everyone else."

"Unbelievable," Ruth hisses and scoots out of her chair before storming off.

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