Chapter 17: Stay Stay Stay

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And I'll be loving you for quite some time
No one else is gonna love me when I get mad, mad, mad
So I think that it's best if we both stay, stay, stay


October 25, 2001

"Where are you going today Auntie Indie?" Cyan asks as he colors.

"I have to support Draco while he says goodbye to his dad. Uncle Ron is going to be here any minute to watch you." Indie says as she puts in her pearl earrings.

"Uncle Ron?" Cyan states, scrunching his nose and making a face.

"You love Uncle Ron," Indie laughs.

"But he's never babysat me before!" Cyan insists, "Does he even know how to make Mac and Cheese?"

"Yes Bub," Indie smiles and ruffles his hair, "He knows how to make Mac and Cheese."

Cyan side eyes her but drops the topic while Indie finishes getting ready. She would be the first to admit that Ron was not her first choice of people to watch Cyan. Molly had to take Arthur to a muggle doctor to get a colonoscopy after Hermione lectured everyone on the importance of gut health, Fleur had taken Victorie to see her parents and Bill was working. Charlie was still in Romania. Ginny was playing an away game and Harry and Teddy accompanied her. Percy, his wife Audrey, and Hermione were working and the Zabini's and Tori were on a family excursion to Italy. George was busy at the shop and Angie was sick. The only people available were Ron and Ruth, and the latter of the two was not a fan of children.

There was a knock at the front and Indie could hear the sound of a chair squeaking and Cyan's feet patter to the door to answer it. She hears the muffled voices of the two and grabs her purse before smoothing out her dress once more and walks out.

"Hey Ron," She smiles and walks over to hug him. "Thanks for doing this."

"Hey Indie, and it's no issue," He smiles and looks at Cyan, giving him a finger gun, "Ready to have fun buddy?"

"Okay, Uncle Ron," Cyan says slowly, "Whatever you say!"

"I shouldn't be gone for more than a few hours. You have my number if you need anything. Thanks again," Indie says, rather rushed as she notices the time and heads out of the apartment.

She chews on her lip as her feet land on the grassy meadow where Lucuis Malofy is being laid to rest. Draco and her haven't spoken since the day Blue showed up. She hadn't seen so much as a glimpse of Draco in the hall or work. He had taken the whole week off for bereavement and Indie assumed he had been staying at his mother's. Both of them were hurt and angry that night and had taken out ill inflicted emotions out on each other instead of talking it out civilly. She even debated coming this morning, wondering if it would be inappropriate if she showed up but Indie had given him and Narcissa her word that she would be there. Indie knew first hand what it's like to bury your parents and it was not something she would let Draco do without her.

She approached the four figures, all of which were standing around a head stone. She could make out the preacher with his wide brimmed hat and Nacrissa who was wearing a navy dress and holding white roses. Andromeda stood next to her sister in a plain black top and skirt and Draco stood on the other side of his mother wearing a black dress shirt and pants. Indie crept slowly and stood silently next to Draco. The preacher had already started and Indie felt embarrassed that she was late. Andromeda, Narcissa, and the preacher paid her no attention but Draco turned his head ever so slightly and locked eyes with her. Indie inhaled sharply as she saw his steely gray eyes appear more blue when they were rimmed with red from crying. She held her hand out ever so slightly and instantly Draco's warm hand fit into hers. He squeezed it tightly as the preacher continued speaking and she squeezed it back.

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