Chapter 10: Epiphany

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Only 20 minutes to sleep

But you dream of some epiphany

Just one single glimpse of relief

To make some sense of what you've seen

With you, I serve

With you, I fall down, down (down)Watch you breathe in

Watch you breathing out, out


July 1, 2001

June 23rd came and went but Draco and Indie didn't go on their date. Cyan had gotten a stomach bug and was throwing up most of the day and through the night so Indie promised to reschedule. It just so happened neither had gotten around to it because their work schedules were conflicting with each other.

Today, the two of them caught a break, or well half a break. The two worked the same shift on the same floor, for the first time since orientation. Indie thought it was better than nothing. All she wanted was some time with Draco to really get to know him better, aside from the spoiled rich kid from Hogwarts.

It was a rather smooth day and Indie couldn't believe it was almost one o'clock and was planning to go on lunch. She had reported off to Gretchen, who was going to listen out for her patients while stepped off the floor for an hour. Most days she just ate in the Hospital Cafeteria but the air was warm so she decided to venture out to eat. It seemed like she wasn't the only one as she ran into one of her favorite people.

"Draco!" She exclaims and throws her arms around his neck for a hug.

"Indigo," He smiles down at her.

She pulls away and glares at him, "Never mind. I don't like you anymore."

"Oh come on," He grins and grabs her hand, pulling her back towards him, "You like me just fine."

Indie rolls her eyes and turns up to his nose. She can hear Draco sigh and feel his breath on her ear as he whispers, "I'm sorry Indie. I'll buy you lunch, please don't be mad."

"Okay," She grins, "But this doesn't count for the date you owe me."

"Fair enough," He grins and they walk a little ways down the road to the Leaky Cauldron.

Once they reach the entrance he walks a little in front of her to open the door. She smiles, with red flaming her cheeks, and heads in, biting her lip when she feels a warm hand on the small of her back.

They make their way to an empty table tucked in the corner and Draco pulls Indie's chair for her. A waitress comes over and takes their order, handing each a glass of water. Indie plays with the straw wrapper as Draco stares intently at it.

"Are you okay?"

Draco snaps out of his daze and nods, "Yeah sorry. It's just this shift has been kicking my arse. It's been dragging."

"Really," Indie says surprised as she sips hers, "It's flying for me."

"Well I'm glad." He says glumly.

Indie reaches a hand across the table and sets it on his, "Come on. We're on break, forget work right now. Tell me something about yourself."

"Like what?" Draco replies smugly.

"Oh I don't know. Something I don't know."

"Well," Draco smiles leaning across the table, making the distance between them smaller, "I-"

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