Chapter 3: ...Ready For It?

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Are you ready for it?

Oh, are you ready for it?

Baby, let the games begin

Let the games begin


April 21, 2001

The past week had been grueling with Indie putting in long rigorous hours at the hospital in hopes that by the time she's let out of orientation by Wednesday she'll have some sense of what she's doing. But despite her thirst for knowledge she was relieved to have her Saturday and Sunday free time she chose to spend with Cyan.

Before Indie had started as a healer she had signed Cyan up for a pee wee quidditch league. It really wasn't true quidditch, all the children had smaller brooms that only were allowed to hover a foot and a half off the ground. There were no bludgers involved and there was no snitch, at least a true one anyway. The snitch was just a voluntary parent every match who threw on neon pinnies and would hover above the little ones when there was five minutes left in the game. One kid from each team was a keeper, only having to guard one hoop instead of three, and there were four chasers on the field of each team, and when it came down to the snitch one of the chasers, pre determined at the start of the game, would then become the seeker.

Indie thought it was comical and wished they had this when she was younger, so she volunteered to coach Cyan's team who decided to call themselves, The Delightful Dragons, and we're a nice forest green color. She woke up at nine to get ready for the game at ten so she washed her face and made herself some waffles before brushing her teeth and getting changed. She threw on her green coaches jersey and put her hair up in a claw clip before grabbing her wand, and her bag, making sure her clipboard and team snacks for after the game are accounted for. She then grabs a pair of sunglasses and places them on top of her head before apperating to the field.

As soon as she lands she hears Cyan exclaim, "Auntie Indie!"

Indie turns around with a grin as Cyan comes barreling towards her and tackles her with a hug. She reaches down and ruffles his hair, "Hey Buddy. Ready to play today!"

"Yeah! And we get to play Connie's team today!"

"Oh yeah?" Indie smiles and looks around spotting Daphne Zabini with a gaggle of children dressed in bright pink jerseys around her. Daphne picks up her head and looks at Indie, offering a smile and wave.

"I wonder where Blaise is?" Indie wonders allowed before rounding up her team.

Indie had always been friendly with Daphne, after all she is one of her best friend's sisters. She was an immense help when Indie was struggling with how to assume a motherhood role for Cyan. She and Blaise had Connie, who was right around Cyan's age, so the insight from the two was immensely useful. In fact, it was through Daphne and Blaise that she heard about this peewee quidditch league.

It was a few minutes before the start of the game and Indie still hadn't spotted Blaise, who was supposed to be coaching, and she wondered if Daphne would be taking over today. The ref, who looked ancient, called over the coaches and Indie was shocked when she spotted an all too familiar face.

"What are you doing here Draco?" Indie glares as the ref makes them shake hands.

"Coaching my goddaughters quidditch team, seeing as her father had an unavoidable meeting. What are you doing here?"

"Coaching my godson's quidditch team, seeing as I'm his guardian."

"Well good luck to you and him then, you're going to need it."

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