Chapter 32: How To Get The Girl

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And then you say

I want you for worse or for better

I would wait for ever and ever

Broke your heart, I'll put it back together

I would wait for ever and ever

And that's how it works

That's how you get the girl, girl, oh


July 21, 2002

"Okay, do you have your dress up clothes in your book bag?" Draco whispers to Cyan as Indie is in the other room getting ready.

"Yep," He giggles.

"And where does Aunt Indie think you're going?" Draco asks.

"To Uncle Georgie's," He grins.

"But where are you really going?" Draco presses.

"With Uncle Georgie to go see Uncle B and get everything ready on the boat." Cyan rehearses.

"Atta boy," Draco smiles and ruffles his hair.

"Hey Draco I am not quite ready yet, do you mind just taking him to George's now?" Indie yells from the other room.

"Yeah of course babe," Draco yells back and Cyan smiles with a thumbs up. "I'll be back."

Draco takes Cyan's hand in his and walks outside the manor before apperating to George's house. There Blue and George were waiting for him with shit eating grins.

"Are you nervous she's gonna say no?" Blue teases.

"She won't say no," Draco says but only half convinced.

"She'll say yes," George reassured but then mumbles, "Probably."

"Is everything ready?" Draco asks.

"Yes mum has the cake ready and she and your mum and Aunt are on the boat now decorating. Angie, Blue, Cy and I will leave here in an hour and Ginny, Harry, Fluer, Bill, Vic, Teddy, Ron, dad, Daphne, Blaise and Connie will be there. Percy, Audrey, Charlie Ron, and Hermione send their regards. Molly baby is sick and Hermione and Ron are visiting her parents in Australia. And obviously Charlie had to work." George explains.

"Great," Draco claps and crouches down to Cyan's level, "I'll see you in a bit buddy. Hope she says yes."

"She will Uncle Draco," Cyan smiles and hugs him around the neck.


"Blaise was telling me about this travel peewee quidditch league," Indie says as she cuts her off a piece of her fish and dips it into her tartar sauce, "They came and asked Connie to be a chaser. They were interested in Cyan too I guess, and think he has the potential to be a beater or keeper."

"Go for a beater," Draco says almost immediately, "Don't let him be a keeper. Poor guy will get all the blame if they lose and none of the credit if they win. And just think of all the injuries he could get."

"Says the man who had his goons bludger Oliver Wood in school," Indie teases.

"My point," Draco says and eats a chip, "Have a bat. Defend yourself. Plus Fred was a beater."

"That is true," Indie hums, "I need more info on this league though."

"Of course," Draco says rather rushed and Indie just brushes it off as he continues to eat and asks, "Do you want to go on a walk after dinner?"

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