Chapter 13: You Are In Love

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You can hear it in the silence, silence, you
You can feel it on the way home, way home, you
You can see it with the lights out, lights out
You are in love, true love


September 14, 2001

"How was your day?" Draco asks, standing outside of Saint Mungo's with a cheese danish as Indie walks out.

Indie shrugs but happily takes the pastry, taking a bite out of it before replying, "Hades was being Hades but other than that it wasn't a bad day. Happy for it to be over though. I had a drunk 17 year old throw up on me."

"I'm sorry that's rough," Draco says, his hand finding her waist and pulling her close to him.

"But it's over," She brushes off and kisses Draco on the cheek, "How was your day?"

"Fine. I was with Healer Copper today and we were in the NICU. It was pretty intense. There were five preemies. They were so tiny. One of them... Jacob... gave us a scare today but it was alright in the end."

"Well I'm glad it worked out," She smiles as Draco's grip tightens on her and they apparate away.

"Do you need to pick up Cy?" Draco asks as he opens the door for her.

"No, George should be in there now with him." Indie says and makes her way to her door, "Want to come in?"

"Sure," Draco shrugs, not ready to say good night.

The two enter her apartment and startle a sleeping George awake. He rubs his eyes before getting off the couch and walking over. Indie smiles and gives him a hug, "Thanks again Georgie."

"It's no problem. I love spending time with my godson and with Angie being in season and having a string of away games. The house is a little lonely right now."

"Aw I'm sorry. You must come over for dinner on Sunday!"

"I'll just have to take you up on it!" George smiles as he grabs his coat and makes his way towards the door, nodding hello to Draco as he passes.

Once he leaves, Indie shuts the door and locks it before walking over to the couch, gesturing to Draco to follow. For a moment Indie just nestles into her boyfriend's side and takes in a deep breath of his comforting scent. Draco pulls her closer into him and kisses the top of Indie's forehead before saying, "My mum wanted to invite you and Cyan out to the country house tomorrow for the day. She's right nextdoor to her sister. She's been bugging me to introduce you and him."

"You want me to meet you mother?" Indie exclaims and sits up.

Draco chuckles and tries to pull her back in, "Well yeah. You are my girlfriend. I do talk about you and Cyan when I see her. And we both have the day off..."

"Sounds like a dream," Indie smiles and places a kiss on his lips before pulling away. "Oh, I forgot and Ginny texted me at work but will you be my plus one to her and Harry's wedding?"

"They're not married?" Draco asks.

Indie shakes her head, "No they've just been engaged for like ever. They're getting married in like a month. I'm a bridesmaid. So will you be my plus one?"

"Of course," Draco smiles and kisses her again.

A new found sense of urgency is put into the kiss as Indie's hands tangle into Draco's hair while Draco's hands wrap around Indie's waist, pulling her onto his lap. Not breaking the kiss Indie adjusts her position on Draco so now she's straddling him as his hands slip under her top. His warm hands send electric sparks across her skin. Indie can feel the desire pull in her core as Draco moves his lips down her neck, sucking on her sensitive spot.

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