Chapter 40: Invisible Strings

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Time, curious time

Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs

Were there clues I didn't see?

And isn't it just so pretty to think

All along there was some

Invisible string

Tying you to me?


Because this is a fan fiction i have taken some creative liberties, and changed the ages/names/house of the next generation of kids. I hope you enjoy the last chapter and I have really enjoyed reading this story as much as I enjoyed writing this.

September 1, 2017

"Kids, get in the living room!" Indie yells throughout the manor, "I need to get my annual first day picture!"

"First year we won't be in it," Cyan grins as he elbows Teddy.

"End of an era," Teddy grins as Victorie walks past and gives him a kiss on the cheek before she assumes a position in the back.

"This will be out best picture yet than," Connie teased as she walked back and blew a kiss at Cyan.

Ever since Teddy and Cyan went off to Hogwarts Indie and Draco would host a sleepover the night before September 1st so that the two of them could experience every moment of the first day of school together. And over the years as more kids started going to Hogwarts the night before September 1st sleepover at Indie's and Draco's had gotten bigger, so much so by the sixth year they started doing it the adults and other kids would sleepover and they'd have a big grand breakfast before send off. And every year before they all would leave for the station Indie would take a picture to commemorate.

This year Cyan and Teddy weren't around for the sleepover as the two had adult jobs now, Cyan was helping George run the joke shop while Teddy started Auror training. But they couldn't resist stopping for the grand breakfast and to see their cousins off. Victorie and Connie were in their last year at Hogwarts and both had gotten into Slytherin, a point of competitiveness between their respected boyfriends Teddy and Cyan who ended up in Gryffindor.

"We're going to school you guys this year in quidditch," Dominique declares with James Sirius nodding in agreement.

"You guys just lost your beaters," Demi argues as they file into the picture.

"So, last I checked they don't score points," James Sirius retorts.

"Vic is by far the best seeker at school," Scorpius chimes in, "I think I like Slytherin's chances."

Molly, Percy and Audrey's oldest, Demi, Dominique, Scorpius, and James Sirius were all entering their fourth year. Molly got sorted into Ravenclaw whereas James Sirius and Dominique were sorted into Gryffindor and Demi, and Scorpius found their way into Slytherin. And much to Fleur and Daphne's delight Demi and Dominique had just started dating.

Lucy, Audrey and Percy's youngest, and Fred, George and Angelina's oldest both walked in engaged in a heated discussion about the ethics of testing some of the joke shop products on animals. Lucy got sorted into Hufflepuff and Fred, just like his namesake and parents, was sorted into Gryffindor.

Roxanne, Fred and Angelina's youngest, comes barreling in on the back of Louis', Fleur and Bill's youngest, back. With Roxanne yelling, "I know you took my teddy!"

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