Chapter 15: Dress

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Say my name and everything just stops

I don't want you like a best friend

Only bought this dress so you could take it off

Take it off


Continuation of the last chapter 

18+ mature sexual themes; not related to the plot so please skip if underage or uncomfortable 

"Draco, hurry" Indie moans as his lips attack her neck feverishly.

Draco growls in satisfaction as he fiddles with the lock to his apartment. Once he manages to open it the two tumble in. His lips separate hers for a moment before reattaching to her collarbone as he guides her into his bedroom. He groans as her hands brush his strained member as Draco takes her wrists in one of his hands and pushes her onto the bed and pins her hands above her.

"Draco," She groans as she writhes against the mattress, "Fucking do something."

Draco stops kissing her neck and pulls back, smirking, "Patience love. I need to be wooed," he teases and finds the zipper on the side, slowly undoing it.

"Fuck you," Indie glares as he releases his hold on her and she shimmies out of her dress, leaving her in nothing but a thong.

"Fucking bloody hell," He states, his eyes raking her up and down as she undoes the buttons on his dress shirt before he pushes her back on the bed.

Indie closes her eyes, the heat in her core aching and throbbing for attention. She moans as hot lips suck on one of her nippled while the other is being rolled by a strong hand. Goosebumps break out but her throbbing cunt is still begging for attention. Indie moves her hand and begins massaging her clit and moans, "Oh yes!"

Dracos lips move down her chest and his tongue swirls in her belly button causing her to wiggle as she moves her fingers faster. Draco notices the movement under him and snatches her hand away.

"You're being a bad girl," he growls and throws both her hands back above her.

"Draco please," She begs.

"You're so wet and desperate for me," Draco chuckled darkly as he slipped two fingers inside Indie, his thumb rubbing circles around her clit.

"Yes," She breathes heavily as he continues to send pleasure throughout her body and gasps when he slips a third finger in. "I'm gonna cum."

"But I don't think you deserve too just yet," Draco tuts, "Naughty girl, playing with herself when I'm right here trying to take care of her."

"Please, please let me cum," Indie begs and groans as Draco stops touching her completely.

"How badly do you want it," Draco whispers, inches away from Indie's face, her arms still pinned above her.

"So badly. Please please fuck me sir." Indie begs close to tears as her core continues to ache, "No one has made me feel as good as you do. Please, I promise I'll be good."

"Well when you put it like that," Draco smirks and dives his head between her legs.

"Oh godric, yes Draco! Yes. Right there!" Indie screams as Draco eats her out like it's his last meal, lapping up and down until the band in her snaps and she cums hard.

Draco releases her hands, to which she instantly threads in his hair, pulling and tugging on his locks as he continues to suck and lick up the juices flowing out of her. Her toes curl as she comes down from her high and once Draco's done he recaptures his lips with hers.

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