Chapter 37: Blank Space

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But I've got a blank space, baby
And I'll write your name


January 1, 2003

"I can't believe we're telling everyone today," Indie sighs, "Do you think anyone knows? Do you think they'll be happy?"

"Oh course, honey," Draco smiles and caresses her cheek, "Everyone is going to be happy."

"Ginny knows," Indie says, tearing up a little, "She found out."

"It's okay," Draco reassures and holds her, "I am ready to share the joy. The more the merrier. And hey be proud of Cyan for not telling."

"I am impressed he hasn't spilled," Indie chuckles and wipes a tear away.

"They're here!" Cyan exclaims as the rest of the guests filter in behind them.

Of course Molly, Arthur, and Narcissa are leading the group, with Harry, Ginny, Teddy, Andromeda, George, Angie, Daphne, Blaise holding Demi, and Connie following. Fleur, Bill holding Dominique, and Victorie arrive along with Ruth and Blue.

"Wow," Ruth exclaims, "This is some place."

"We're having our next tea time here for sure," Fleur nods in agreement as they gather in the drawing room.

"The rest of the kids send their condolences for not being able to attend," Molly states as Draco begins pouring the tea.

"No worries," Indie smiles and is slightly relieved.

She loves all the Weasleys but there are certain members she is closer to than others and she really doesn't know what to talk about when it comes to Percy, Audrey, Ron, and Hermione. Besides, Indie is already nervous as is.

"How long are you in town for Blue?" Daphne asks as she eats a quiche.

"Just until the fourth. I got in two days before christmas and as much as I enjoy seeing my sister, nephew, and my brother in law I do miss America." Blue grins.

"What a shame I didn't get to show you around," Ruth states.

"Down girl," Ginny mumbles.

"So I know we came for brunch and tea but I am dying for a house tour," Fleur says, sipping her tea.

Indie and Draco shared a look, hoping someone would ask as it was a part of the announcement. Draco claps his hands and stands up, "Alright everyone follow me, even if you've already seen it. Can't trust you."

"Darn here I was planning to steal that vase," Blue jokes as everyone gets up for the tour.

"Cy feel free to take the kids into your playroom and have fun," Indie says and Connie, Victorie, Teddy and Cyan take off.

"Right this way ladies and gentleman," Draco says as the tour begins.

The older woman especially wants to linger in rooms to really take a look at every single detail but Draco and Indie are rushing everyone along to get to the surprise at the end. Eventually they end up at the last stop. Unlike the other stops on the house tour this door is closed initially.

"You saved your father's office for last?" Narcissa asks.

"It's not an office anymore," Draco says, "We thought we'd liven it up a little."

"It's practically unrecognizable," Indie beams as she grabs Draco's hand before pushing open the door, "Welcome to the nursery."

"Oh wow," Fleur says walking in as the rest of them filter in.

"We painted it light yellow because it's gender neutral and the furniture is right over there but we have six months still to put it together," Draco chuckles as he waits for someone to say something.

"Six months why wai- Oh my godric!" Narcissa exclaims and throws her arms around Indie, "You're pregnant!"

"Oh how wonderful!" Molly cries and hugs Draco.

After many hugs and congratulations everyone makes their way back downstairs and eats a little more before returning to their respected homes. As Draco cleans up and Indie sits in the chair watching them she smiles, "Well that went well."

"I told you it would," Draco smiles.

"You know your mum got me thinking," Indie says, "Have you started thinking about names?"

"No, not really why?"

"Well your family has the tradition of naming kids after stars and astrology whereas mine is colors. I would like to try and incorporate one if not both."

"I would like that too," Draco smiles.

"Well I am just spit balling here but I can think more of a color themed girl name then boys so maybe if it's a girl her first name can be a color and her middle name is a consultation or something and then we can swap it for the boys?"

"I think that sounds great," Draco agrees and hands Indie a fresh cup of tea, "How about Sapphire, that's blue right?"

"Yeah," Indie says and then frowns, "Kind of sounds like a stripper name though."

'Hey we have six months to figure it out, we'll be okay," Draco chuckles and kisses her head. 

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