Chapter 16: Peace

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All these people think love's for show

But I would die for you in secret

The devil's in the details, but you got a friend in me

Would it be enough if I could never give you peace?


October 21, 2001

Indie had always been an early riser, and on her days off from work she would wake up as the light trickled in through the thin blind. But when she woke up this morning she was unsure of what time it was. The room was pitch black and for a moment Indie had no idea where she was. Until the arm around her waist tightened around her pulling her closer. Indie smiles as last night comes flashing back and snuggles into Draco.

She only stays like this for a few minutes before attempting to wiggle out of her boyfriend's grasp to pee. Luckily it seems Draco is a heavy sleeper and doesn't wake up as Indie slips out of his room. She is almost blinded by the natural light coming through the window by the couch and dashes into the bathroom.

Once she freshens herself up she goes into the kitchen area and begins to make a pot of coffee. Once it's brewed she grabs a gray mug from the cabinet and pours some of the black gold into it before going to the fridge and grabbing some cream and sugar. She walks over to the window and starts to sip her mug while she watches the rain fall outside. Rook gets up from his dog bed in the corner and nudges Indie's leg. She smiles and pets his head as she continues to look out the window. Indie gasps softly as strong arms wrap around her waist and soft lips kiss her neck. She smiles and leans into him, "Hey stud."

"I woke up to an empty bed I thought you had left," Draco whispers into her ear, his voice deep and scratchy.

"I just had to pee," Indie giggles, "And I wanted to know what time it was. Your room is so dark."

"It's peaceful."

"It's a cave," Indie insists, spinning around and pecking Draco on the lips, "And I wanted to make sure I didn't oversleep. I need to get Cy at two."

"You didn't oversleep," Draco laughs and walks over to the kitchen, "What can I make you?"

"Surprise me," Indie grins as a tap comes from the window and she turns to see an owl.

"Can you grab the post, babe?"

"Sure honey," Indie responds with a goofy smile.

Indie goes over to the window and opens it, grabbing the few things off the animal's leg. There were a few letters as well as the Daily Prophet and Indie's eyes widened as she saw herself on the front page.

"Shit," Indie exclaims as she further reads the headline.

"What?" Draco calls without turning around and Indie bites her lip.

Before responding Indie leaves through the envelopes and finds one that seems to be written in Narcissa's handwriting and brings that letter and the paper over to her boyfriend.

"I don't know who you want to hear this from first so I'll let you pick," Indie states.

Draco turns from the stove with a raised brow and chuckles, "Okay?"

"Do you want to hear it from me, your mum, or the Daily Prophet?"

Draco's face drops and fixes itself into a glare before responding, "You I guess."

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