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Alessia and i just had a phone call from the school our kids go to, to come pick not one of them but both of them. we also have a meeting with the head teacher for Luca apparently he punched another student. god knows why Mia needs picking up, there's always something in this family.

"hi welcome, so we need to talk about Lucas behaviour recently this isn't the first time he has got in a fight with this student and however it is the first time he has fully knocked the guy out, he will be suspended for 2 weeks and if this issue isn't resolved he will be expelled.  i don't know why these two have it out for each other but i would like you to get to the bottom of it, we will see Luca in two weeks thank you for listening to what i have to say." the head teacher says shaking both of our hands.

" I promise we will get the bottom of this, now why do we have to collect Mia as well," i ask slightly scared. 

"she's in the medical room right now so probably best if you go see her and take her home, again thank you for coming to collect them," he says holding the door open, Alessia goes and takes Luca to wait in the car and I get directed towards the medical office. 

as soon as i get their and see her in tears with a hot water bottle is obvious. 

"hey buba," i say placing my hand on her shoulder," come on, lets go home." 


when we get home Luca gets sent to his room and Mia just want to sleep. 

"what's going on darling," Alessia asks Mia as she lays between us on the sofa. i know what's going on and i have already booked an appointment to get a can for her.  

"um, my period started at school but this isn't like the ones i have had before i feel like I'm going to pass out it hurts to move and i feel like I'm about to throw up," she says getting off us and going to the bathroom, I follow after her and hold her hair back. 

"i booked you an appointment with the doctor buba, i think you have what i have," i say letting her fall back into me once she has finished throwing up. " ive got you," i say holding her close to me and running my fingers through her hair. 

i ended up staying on the bathroom floor for.añot of the night with Mia as she wasn't able to move, she is pretty much a carbon copy of me its uncanny. once she fell asleep i put her in mine and Alessia's bed with lessi so she could keep an eye on her whilst i went to talk to Luca. 

"right, what's going on," i say sitting on the end of his bed. 

" nothing is going on ok, i don't want to talk about it," he says looking aways from me. 

"right now i don't care if you don't want to talk about it you knocked someone out that will be on your record for the rest of your life, if the academy find out about this you might be kicked off of the team Luca, what is going on," i say again becoming more annoyed each second. 

"the guy was talking about you, mum and Mia he does it every chance he gets, he was saying what he could do to Mia how he was going to date her and do thing i don't want to think about he then brought up how you and mum are a disgrace to society and football and shouldn't be allowed to be married and how you should have kids, he brought up aunty Leah at one point and i lost it, i don't like people talking bad about my family, I'm sorry i hit the guy but i would do it again," he says pacing his room. 

"ok, i would've hit the guy to, but it doesn't make it right ok, just when you go back to school do not hit him do not engage or you will get kicked out and then you will loose your place in the academy. ok I'm proud or you but I'm disappointed you reacted that way, just sleep on it we will talk more in the morning ok," i say tapping him on the back before going back to my wife and other child who is still in tears and curled up in a ball. 

" he was defending our family Alessia, he hit the guy because he spoke badly about our family, i told him to sleep it off and we would talk more in the morning, can you talk to him, I'm going to take her to the appointment i made for her," I say pulling my daughter into my arms and making sure she is comfortable." One week, I just need one week where something doesn't go wrong, and now there is a possibility she suffers from endometriosis as well and our son is hitting people, one week," I say resting my head on Alessia's chest.

"I love you el," she says kissing me gently.
"Forever and always my love."

AN I'm sorry updates are slow, I'm running out of ideas so any help is appreciated if you want this to continue.
Or I'm debating deleting it possibly, but I need to this depends on what people think.

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⏰ Last updated: 5 days ago ⏰

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