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time jump

we have one the world cup consecutively and shockingly I'm still captain, our kids turned 15 the other day which is scary, time does really fly when you look back at it. and well we have been having quite a hard time recently. Alessia retired from football 5 years ago 2036. I'm going to retire this year which is something i never thought I'd say but i cant handle it anymore my knees have had more surgeries that ive been ill in my life. i mean honestly I'm 38 I'd say that is pretty good.

"Mia," Alessia shouts up the stairs.
"Go away," Mia yells back as quickly as she could, it's been a nightmare getting her to school at the moment, she doesn't want to go or when the is there she is getting into trouble.
"Lessi, it's ok I'll talk to her ok," I say kissing her cheek.
As I walk up the stairs Luca is going down them, he however is an angel, getting amazing grades and is in the arsenal academy.
"Can you check on you mum please," I say to him placing a hand on his shoulder.
He nods and makes his way down stairs.
"Mia," I say slowly opening the door.
"I said go away," she says quietly from her bed.
"What's going on," I say sitting on the edge of her bed.
"Nothing is going on,I'm fine," she says making me think she's going through what I went through, I mean she looks identical to me. And shes acting just like I did.
"Talk to me buba," i say hugging her gently.
"I..I feel like the worlds ending but not around me just in my head, I feel everything and nothing at the same time, I don't know how to deal with it anymore I'm so tired, please dont make me go to school," she says almost in tears hugging me tightly with her head resting on my chest.
"Oh darling, remember I'm always here if you need to talk ok, just stay with me today ok, try and explain a little more, I can help you ok," I say kissing the top of her head feeling my heart break since she is going through this.
" I feel like no one understands me, how I'm feeling, I'm not good enough for you or mum, it's like I'm the black sheep of the family, I want to be good enough for you but every time i try i just make things worse, I feel like there isnt a light at the end of the tunnle, i cant do it mum," she says crying into me.
"I understand you, I promise I do I've been there, all lights turned off can be turned on, there is always light at the end of the tunnel, you mother and I are incredibly proud of you and always have been you are not the black sheep, never have been never will be, I love you so much Mia, please talk to me about this," I say trying to stop tears falling, I hear alessia shout up the stairs again for us to come on.
"I'll be back in a minute ok," I say kissing the top of her head gently.


Mia and I ended up staying at home and watching films, I saw the sparkle re appear in her eyes.
"Thank you," she says as she hugs me as the final lord of the rings film starts.
"What for darling," I say looking down at her as we are led on the sofa.
"Listening, and understanding," she says going back to the film.
As we get half way through the film Alessia and Luca come home and they both sit on the other sofa.
We ended up ordering pizza and everyone calm in th same room for the first time in a while.


"El," Alessia says climbing into bed next to me.
"Yeh my love," I say putting my arm behind her shoulder, and letting her head fall onto my chest.
"What's going on with our daughter."
"She needed a break, she felt like she wasn't good enough like there was no light in the dark, she felt like I felt all those years ago," I say quietly kissing her forehead as I start to fall asleep.
"I'm glad you were here for her, I'm sorry I yelled for her earlier," she says also falling asleep.
"I love you Lessi," I say as my eyes start to shut.
"I love you too."


The next few days were better, Mia went to school and Luca spent most the time with his friends or at training and school. It seems to be going well at least I think it's going well. Alessia and I managed to actually have a date night for the first time this year cause Leah came and stayed at ours. We still need to figure out how to make sure our kids are ok more Mia cause she's more like me that Luca, Luca is like Alessia, happy and bubbly. It's nice, but they are polar opposites.

AN sorry this is a shorter chapter, but bit of a time jump, I have ideas let me know what you want put in the story

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