exchange - javon

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"just these for today?" the cashier asks as i pass her the clothes, "yep" i smile. As she scanned the clothing my eyes wandered around.

catching someone else's eyes. about 5'8, hair was buzzed kinda, eyebrow slit, sharp jawline, brown/hazel eyes.

overall, he was fine... as fuck. i quickly look away, as my cheeks grew red from embarrassment. "your total is 69.95" the cashier speaks.

i pay for the clothes, "cool thank you" i smile at the cashier and walk over to my brother. "hey you done?" he asks tired of waiting for me.

"uhh yep" i pause, "k let's go then" he gets up. as we walk out of the store i catch the same boys eyes again.

this time i didn't break it, instead i gave him a smile. hint, hint, hint. then he sent a smile back.

"who's that?" my brother asks, "i don't know" i shrug. "then why are you smiling at him, stop smiling at him" my brother spits.

"why are you so protective omg!" i yell annoyed.

my brother & i continued to shop in the mall, the last shop we went into was target where i seen the same boy again.

"i'll be right back" i say to my brother who was browsing. "yeah alright" he says.

i left my brother and went to search for that boy, when a couple of girls ran past. "omg javon walton's over there?!" on of the scream whispers.

"weird" i though to myself, i decided to follow them because it could help my find the boy. after running across what felt like the whole store..

i seen him, he was surrounded by girls. "who is this boy?" i thought to myself.

i pretended to browse near him, secretive but noticeable enough. i gaze over to the boy who was getting his photo taken by a group of girls.

after the group left the boy started walking over in my direction. "oh shit" i whisper, i turn my back to him and start to walk away, embarrassed.

"hey wait up" the boy calls out, i sigh as i got caught. my body proceeds to turn around so that i was now facing the boy.

"hi" he smiles, "hey" i smile back. an awkward tension grew around us as we both stood there clueless on what to say next.

"um i, i was gonna ask you for your number earlier but you were with that boy and i assumed he was your boyfriend?" the boy speaks.

"wha- who? oh nooo, no, no.. haha that's my brother" i say awkwardly. "ohh alright yeah okay" the boy returns with an awkward smile.

"so can we exchange numbers then?" the boy asks, "yeah course" i smile. the boy proceeds to pass me his phone.

i created a contact with my number and named myself, "that girl from the mall". i pass him the phone and he chuckles at the name.

"so i'll see you around?" the boy asks, "yeah sure" i smile, before walking back to my brother.

my brother & i we're now in the car, he was driving and i was vibing to the music when i got a notification from my phone.

i picked my phone up to read the notification.

"1 message from unknown"

i opened the notification and read the text.

unknown: hey it's the boy from the mall..

me: wait who?

unknown: rememberrrr? from target?

me: hmmm nope

unknown: bruh it's been like 30 minutes how can you have already forgotten

me: sorry but my mind is blank....

unknown: ohhh very funny

me: i'm so funny, no?

unknown: ha ha ha

me: yeah of course i remember you..
me: wait i didn't get your name

unknown: javon
unknown: javon walton

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