javons pov
her words circled through my head, "you only came because you wanted yourself to feel better knowing you apologised— how fucking selfish are you?!"
she called me selfish, and she wasn't wrong about it.
that's the worst thing about it.
i messed up our friendship that could've been more, but i was too blinded by jealousy and possessiveness.
___roughly i closed the front door shut, causing the attention of my twin brother to switch on me.
"what happened?" he asked with genuine curiosity and worry. a big part of me knew it was my fault that y/n and i were not friends anymore.
but a part of me blamed my brother. which i know it is no where near his fault.
"fuck off j" i spat, making my way up to my room. jaden now following after me. "it's all your fucking fault" i falsely accused.
before i could reach my door, his hand grew a firm grip onto my shoulder. pulling me back to now face him.
"don't fucking blame me javon when you knew, you knew this whole time, that you were the problem" he openly said to me, not afraid to hurt my feelings.
"this is your doings, so stop blaming others" he said before leaving me alone with my thoughts.
frustrated, i scoffed before entering my room.
___3 months after
i've attempted to contact y/n multiple times these past 3 months. but it was sure that she was over me and my bullshit.
honestly i don't blame her, but there's no time to feel sorry for myself as i brought this up on myself.
not jaden.
not y/n.
it was the end of the school day, the bell had just rung. i paced around the halls in search for her.
my bestfriend.
my search only led to me discovering her in the arms of another, that person being jaden. they shared a hug, almost as if they were a couple.
confused and angry i stormed up to the two, in hope for answers. "what's going on here?" i asked.
jadens eyes shot wide, as if he'd just been caught doing something he shouldn't be. meanwhile y/n stood there emotionless.
cold, is the look she held. like she had no pity for anyone. "me and y/n are still friends wanna, just because you aren't friends with her doesn't mean i can't be" jaden finally spoke.
my eyes stayed on her, not daring to show my brother how jealous i was. jealousy looked ugly on me, must i say.
"whatever" i scoffed. my attention focused on her, making hers focus on me. "can we talk tonight?" i ask, crossing my fingers for good luck.
"sure" she gave in.
i could jump at her answer, but i contained myself, "okay cool, i'll pick you up at 7?" i asked.
all she responded with was a nod, leaving jaden and i.
"smooth brother" jadens hand rests onto my shoulder, softly chuckling whilst doing so.
6:48"i forgive you wanna" jaden said, "but you need to know that y/n liked me in freshman year.. we're juniors now. the person she likes is you.. until you ruined it all" he explained to me.
how stupid could i be? i knew she had feelings for me and i still believed that she had feelings for jaden.
i felt embarrassed.
"yeah i know, i'm going to make it right to her tonight" i nodded, leaving the house.
___"how have you been?" i asked the beautiful brunette that sat in front of me at the time.
her hair fell past her shoulders, straightened as always. i don't know why she straightens it, i love her natural hair.
he lips pursed together, "yeah good.. better" she nodded, "you?" she took a sip out of her apple juice.
"alright, could be better" i looked down to my food. "i really do miss you y/n" i finally grew the guts to look at her.
but she refused to look at me, her eyes became glossy. she was quick to blink away the glossy layer.
"i know javon, i do to.. but you hurt me" she reminded me, almost in a whisper.
"let me fix it, let me prove to you that i want this friendship.. this relationship" my hand reaches for hers.
her hand twitched at our touch, her eyes looked at me finally. "relationship?" she asked.
the words threatened out of me, i couldn't hold them back any longer than i already have.
my head nodded, "i love you y/n." i admitted. "i love everything about you, christ you drive me crazy" i chuckled.
she gave me a snicker in return, allowing her free hand to hold onto mine. "look how jealous i get, that's the whole reason this drama began"
"because i love you so much, i couldn't contain my jealousy" i inform her, "but i've realised now, it's a ugly trait to have"
revealing her teeth, a smile grew onto her lips. making me melt in my seat. "and i love you too javon walton"
"more than you could think" she giggled. without hesitation i leaned over the table, allowing my hands to cup the side of her face.
finally my lips pressed up against hers. it was perfect.
she was perfect.
a/n: i hope y'all liked this chapter!also, do y'all like it when i recommend songs for chapters? or do y'all not have a care for them? lmk! the

imagines | javon & ashtray
Fanfictionimagines about your favourite drug dealer, & the one and only javon walton for my delulu queens 🤞🔥