a giggle escaped my mouth as i watched a tik tok couple participate in a trend.
they spun around in circles, 10 times. then after, attempting to kiss eachother on the lips.
watching the video made me feel single, completely forgetting about the fact i have a boyfriend laying beside me.
my mind then traveled over to javon, "omg i have one of these!" i think aloud. he furrows his eyebrows at me with confusion.
"one of what?" he questions, "oh a boyfriend" i chuckle, embarrassed. his eyebrows continue to furrow at me.
i show him the tik tok, "can we-" i speak, "no" he rudely interrupts. "wha- why?" i say with disappointment.
"it's so cringe" he chuckles. at that moment i started to get defensive, "you're cringe" i sass back.
which leads to him chuckling at my behaviour. my body then faces away from him, informing him that i was now 'mad'.
"fine we can do it" he chuckles, "nope too late, already mad" i shake my head.
another chuckle exits his mouth, "baby stop, i'll do it" he grabs onto my shoulder. "no" i simply reply back snatching my shoulder back from him.
he then digs his head into my neck, "i'm.. sorry" he says placing a kiss in between the words. i thought about forgiving him.
"if you forgive me i'll do the tik tok" he says. at an instant, my body jumped up. then setting my phone up.
my finger pressed the hot pink circle, "hey people, so today me and wanna are doing the spin kiss trend.. thingy" i say to the camera as javon stood on his phone.
"okay, focus!" i snap at him, his eyes grew wide then chucking his phone on the ground.
"okay ready set go" i announce, at my words we both started to turn our bodies.
"six""i'm starting to feel sick!" javon cried.
"ten, okay go" i chuckled.my arms held out in front of me to reach for javons, who on the other hand was stumbling all over the place.
"babe stay still" i laughed, "i'm trying!" he struggled. laughs kept escaping as javon continued to struggle with walking.
my foot then moving forward to try reach my boyfriend, he began to do the same. "kissimmee no!" javon cried.
milliseconds later, a distressed meow came from kissimmee as javon tripped up on her. his body came in contact with mine as he fell.
my body slammed on the ground and javon fell on top of me.
"ow" i chuckle with slight pain. javon replies with nothing but a exaggerated laugh.
"i told you kissimmee was evil!" he laughed, a small laugh exited my mouth enjoying the sight of my happy boyfriend.
he lifts himself off of me, and helps me up. his arm tugged me towards him, placing a kiss onto my lips.
"sorry baby" he chuckled, "it's fine" i chuckled along with him.
i grabbed my phone, and continued to watch the video with javon watching over my shoulder.
"can i post this?" i ask for his permission, "yeah it's funny" he smiles.
i posted the tik tok, "poor kissimmee" i put the caption. then adding javon to the tags.
i placed my phone down, crawling in the bed next to him.
A/N: this was requested so i hope you like it @hadleyisbadly !

imagines | javon & ashtray
Fanfictionimagines about your favourite drug dealer, & the one and only javon walton for my delulu queens 🤞🔥