look after me - ashtray

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requested song:
look after you - the fray

tonight mckay was throwing another party, any excuse to drink i will gladly offer.

i stood in the kitchen, surrounded by drunk teenagers. they either chatted amongst each other, or made out with one another.

an unintentional scoff fell from my mouth as i observed my freshly new ex boyfriend make out with the girl he told me not to worry about.


my frown faded once i seen ashtray in the crowd, he sat on the couch. counting money as usual.

"yoo y/n, try some of this.. i'm telling ya, this shit is good," rue chuckled, her arm was now hooked around my neck. she held a red cup in front of my face.

i wasn't sure wether to trust rue, or to not. honestly it could go both ways with rue, i was indecisive.

eventually i gave in. at an instant, my throat burned at the feeling, "holy fuck," i coughed, processing the taste.

"shits good huh?" a smirk appeared on her face, i nodded at her question. this sudden feeling of adrenaline and hyper rushed throughout my body.

it was shot, after shot. i was too consumed with it all, i wasn't able to tell right from wrong.

the whole lot of it was a blur. next thing i know, ash was dragging me off of the cup pong table.

"christ y/n."

ashtray pov

"guys! guys! GUYS! ATTENTION PLEASE!" she was a mess. her dress rode right up her ass, leaving some of it hanging out.

everyone had fixed their attention to the drunken girl, obviously being drunk themselves.

"i would— just like t—to make a toast, to you. yep.. y—you," her hand lazily pointed to her ex boyfriend.

i've wanted to kill him ever since he became known to y/n. "when you cheated on me— it actually show— showed me something."

his attention was torn from the girl, whom he cheated on y/n with. stupid bitch, i'll fucking kill her as well and make him watch.

"you showed me that— no matter how nice— or how goo— good looking someone is, you'll always get stabbed in the fucking— back."

a big cheer was heard from the crowd, a few whistles, and 'woo!'. i felt embarrassed for her, i needed to stop her before she said anything else.

"so fuck you— you small dick cunt!" she took a step toward, missing the table and falling. fortunately i caught her in time.

a lot of laughs and cheers were heard from the crowd. like.. a lot. i would be lying if i said i wasn't proud of her.

she never sticks up for herself, so it was good that she got it all out whilst she could.

"christ y/n." i chuckled at her as she waved at everyone, eating up all the cheers and whistles she received.

her body flopped onto my bed, i sigh fell from my mouth. i felt exhausted, looking after this girl was not easy.

before i could even blink, sobs were heard from her. "y/n.. what's wrong?" i shook her, eventually then placing her to sit up.

she looked like a wreck, "he cheated on me.. he cheated, and doesn't even— fe— feel bad about it," her sobs grew louder. "i hate him so much."

"i know baby, i know," the pet name slipped off of my tongue before i could even think, i hoped she hadn't realised, so i brushed it off.

i brung her into a hug, which i hoped comforted her. "he doesn't deserve you.. no one in this world deserves a girl as special as you."

she took her head away from my chest, "you really mean it?" she used the back of her hand to wipe under her nose.

"of course i mean it," i smiled at her, my hands caressed her face, using my thumbs to wipe her tears. "come on, let's get you washed."

my hand caught onto hers, guiding her to the bathroom. she instantly fell to the floor, being to weak to stand.

i grabbed the make up wipes she had kept at my house, in case of moments like this. gently, i wiped the make up off of her face the best i could.

she sat there peacefully, quietly, beautifully.

"almost done ma," another pet name fell from my mouth, i couldn't help all the names. so i just kept hoping she would forget them.

i brushed her hair, gave her a pair of boxers and a shirt.

soon enough, she was tucked in my bed dead asleep. the sight of her had me mesmerised, she always did to be fair.

after a couple minutes of making sure she was alright, i eventually began to make my way to the lounge where i would be sleeping.

"ash? ash?" she panicked once my presence was no longer present. quickly, i bolted back to my room, a worried look appeared on her face.

"what's wrong?" i questioned.

"oh nothing.." she silenced herself. "can you stay with me?" she moved to the side, making room for me.

my head moved up and down, nodding at her question. i allowed myself to lay in the bed next to her.

she shifted herself to be on top of me, her head rested in the crook of my neck, her leg shifted up.

"goodnight ash," she mumbled.

"goodnight princess."

a/n: i have no ideas as you can tell, and no motivation!! so very sorry for the late update my babies.

hope you liked this chapter!

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