it was yet another lonely night, my room was dark. but was quickly lit up from my phone as i got a notification.
slowly, i reached over for my phone. opening the message i had just received from him.
mr sneaky link
mr: ..wyd
me: if u wanna link just ask.
mr: mine or yours?
me: yours, moms is home
mr: aigh
ashtray and i have had this 'sneaky link' type relationship recently. only because he been going through shit, so it 'helps get his mind off things'.
honestly, i'm chill with it. i mean, he's not horrible at it so it's fine by me.
i obviously have feelings for the boy, i mean what's not to like about him. he's good looking, can fight, is a freak in the sheets (LMAO IDK), is a drug dealer, and he's loyal as fuck.
but i would never admit that to him, as he only see's me as his quick little hook up chick.
___i waited at the door for an answer, listening to the crickets that roamed the streets. my head shifting to the direction where there seemed to be a fight.
"hey" his voice was low, catching me by surprise. my lips curving upwards barely, not enough to create a smile.
he shifted himself to the side, allowing me into his dimly lit house. "is your brother here?" i question, not wanting to face the awkwardness of his brother catching us.
it took a while for him to answer, as i assumed he was locking the door. "nah, he's at his girls house" ashtray answered simply.
"oh" i answered dryly, not having a better answer. the tension in the air was weird, usually ash and i get on quite fast.
but tonight was different, it was more awkward and shy. "so, what's been going on with you" ash asks me as he took a sip of his water.
his question caught me off guard slightly, he's never asked me how i've been. i didn't like this awkward tension or all these random questions.
i just wanted to do what we had to do and leave, hoping to neglect my feelings for him. "nothing, same old boring shit.. you?"
"yeahh, i been chill, thinking n shit" he got closer to me as i stood by the kitchen counter. so close that our lips were inches apart.
his breath was slow, not heavy, but slow. meanwhile mine was fast, suddenly craving him. his hands brushed against the side of my face.
giving me reason to smash my lips on his, he began to kiss back with dominance. his hands basically teleported to the bottom of my ass.
"jump" he broke the kiss for a split second, pressing his hands into my upper thigh/bottom of my ass area.
i did as ordered and jumped lightly, wrapping my legs around his waist. allowing him to carry me into his room.
my body came in contact with his bed, as he threw me onto it lightly; i backed myself up onto the bed.
watching over him as he grabbed the bottom of his 'wife beater' singlet, lifting it over his head. revealing his toned abs.
lowering my eyes down to his v line, looking at the calvin klein band of his boxers that became visible. then shifting my eyes back up to his.
he observed me as if he needed me engraved into his mind. he was quick to lower himself to hover over me.
placing his lips back onto mine, my hands brushing down his abs, making their way to the bottom of my shirt.
ash realised what i was doing, he lifted himself off of me, letting me sit up. as i did, his hands grabbed onto the bottom of my shirt.
he began lifting up my shirt, i lifted my arms up in hopes to make it easier for him. after he successfully took my top off he threw it across the room.
not wasting another second, his lips were back on mine, pulling me into his lap so that i was now straddling him.
he began to move his lips down to my neck, sucking on it. his hands fiddling with my bra, unclipping it in the process.
his lips removed themselves from my neck, as he took a moment to observe over me. his eyes staying glued to my ...
"fuck you're so perfect" he blurts, not taking a second to hesitate and think about what he just said. leaving me flabbergasted.
so much for neglecting my feelings, those four words just boosted them.
another second wasn't wasted as his lips were on my body again. ashtrays always in control, he made that quite clear to me the first time we linked.
an arch began to form as he moved his lips down my body. one of his arms rested on my back, pulling me closer to him.
the other arm squeezing my ....(IM NOT GONNA SAY IT).
___my breathing was heavy, as was his. "that was the best link we've had" ashtray admits, he's quite talkative tonight.
"yea" i say, focusing on my breathing. the question was threatening to spill out of me, which i eventually gave into. "can i ask you something" i puff.
his head turns to face me, as we were lied next to each other facing the roof. he hummed in response, "uh do you, feel anything when we hook up?" i ask.
moments went by before he could answer, "do you?" he asked.
"this time i did" i fully admit with no shame. causing silence to flow throughout the room.
"yeah, it was different this time" he sighs, "in a good way" he adds onto his confession. what?
a/n: sorry for this very unholy chapter... if y'all don't like me writing chapters like this or feel uncomfortable with them... then lmk🫡

imagines | javon & ashtray
Fanfictionimagines about your favourite drug dealer, & the one and only javon walton for my delulu queens 🤞🔥