i had arrived to ash's house, at last. tears streamed down my face, as did the rain that fell from the sky.
the door opened, revealing him. my best friend, who i might or might not have slight feelings for..
he smiled at my presence, but quickly stopped at the sight of my tears. his hand lightly grabbed onto mine, bringing me into the house.
in an instant his hand drags me to him, embracing me. the room filled with silence, the peaceful type.
our body's swayed left to right at a light pace. no words were said, our bodies continued to stick to each other as the both of us refused to let go.
ash eventually broke the hug, his hand moving from my waist to my cheek, cupping it. "do you want me to ask about it?"
my shoulders bounced up, creating a shrug movement. another tear slipped, causing me to look down.
his hand grabs onto mine again, this time bringing us into his room. my body placed itself on his bed, as his did the same.
"do you wanna talk about it?" he asked again, my hands fiddled with each other.
"it's nothing, just another argument with mom" i explained, "we were yelling then one thing turned into another and" i prepared.
the neck line of my hoodie lowered, as i revealed a small bruise on my collar bone. his hand shoots up at the bruise.
brushing over it gently, "are you okay?" he asks with concern, "yeah it always happens" i shrug.
another period of silence filled the room, this time it was awkward, "can we just watch a movie or something" i break the silence.
his lips were pressed together as his head turned to look at me, "yeah course" he agrees.
i help myself under his covers, cuddling up with them as i waited for him to pick something to watch.
eventually he picked a movie to watch, in fact it was my favourite movie. 'wall-e' (or whatever u want), "how'd you know" a smile forms.
"how could i not know my bsfs favourite movie" he lied himself down next to me, awkwardly.
now. here's the thing with ashtray. he HATES physical touch, definitely not his love language. at times he'll give me hugs like he did before.
but overall, it's a no go. i obviously don't try cuddle him n shit because we're only bsfs and stuff.
usually he gets awkward whenever we sit or lie next to each other, even though we've known each other since we were like 11.
but still, i respected his boundaries and he respected mine.
anyways back to reality, as we continued to watch the movie. my thoughts kept wandering over to the argument i had just gotten into.
i attempted to hide my sniffles & tears, but once they started they didn't stop. i could feels ash's eyes stuck onto me.
"come here" he whispered, reaching for me. he then proceeded to grab my waist and place me on top of him.
my body lied on its side as his arm hooked around me, holding me up. my head rested on his chest as my arm did the same.
his other hand stroked my head, i was shocked at what was happening but i didn't dare to ruin this moment.
as this was the first time he had done anything like this to comfort me. i loved every bit of it, he makes me feel protected.
like everything else that was happening in the world, didn't matter.
A/N: proud of this one!also thank you everyone for the kind comments & all the reads n votes

imagines | javon & ashtray
Fanfictionimagines about your favourite drug dealer, & the one and only javon walton for my delulu queens 🤞🔥