[major tw : suicide]
to say y/n had been through a lot was an understatement. everyone knew she was struggling, they just never seemed to notice how deep she was.
the only person that truly seemed to understand her pain, was her boyfriend.he was the only one that brought her peace, and she was beyond grateful for him. but there was also her child hood bestfriend.
marcus was also really understanding with y/n and her struggles, he probably understood more than ash. he was also more available than ash, considering ash is always busy with business.
currently, the couple was arguing. it was probably the most intense argument the two have had, ashtray seemed to be the only one yelling but..
"IF YOURE FUCKING HIM, JUST SAY THAT.. fuck you couldn't make it more obvious could you?" ashtray had accused y/n for hanging out with marcus more than him, which was true.
"im not— who said i was.." y/n said, almost in a whisper.
"don't act fucking dumb, you know you did, im pretty sure the whole fucking town does." ashtrays words kept coming, but that wasn't the end. "fuck, and to think you were so innocent but here you are sleeping around like a slut."
ashtrays words, they were unforgivable, un-recognisable coming from him. y/n had never heard such harsh words leave her boyfriends lips, and it hurt her, cut deep.
"what?" she whispered, wanting to make sure ash knew what he was saying. tears swelled up in her eyes, her head shook repeatedly, "you don't mean that."
she was in denial about the whole thing, "i don't wanna talk about it anymore y/n, just leave," his words were harsh but convincing enough for y/n to leave immediately.
"can you at least give me a ride home?" she asked before she walked out of his bedroom, but instead she got silence in return. "okay bye, i love you."
the weather was tragic, it was pouring down with rain. she thought of calling marcus, but that would only make the situation worse and she didn't wanna do ash like that.
no matter how many times someone did y/n dirty, now matter how bad, she would never do the same back. "two wrongs don't make a right" she always repeats.
meanwhile, a couple laters. ashtray had felt the guilt all dumped onto him, the moment she exited his house.
he had decided not to message or call her, he thought that she wouldn't want to speak with him after what he said, which was true.
she was hurt, damaged from his cruel and harsh words. but ashtrays worry began to worry, it had been 4 hours since the argument.
it was also only 8:00 so there was no way she could be asleep, she has insomnia. ashtray had sent her multiple messages and calls but none she would reply to.
he thought that she would at least send him a message, telling him that she didn't want to speak to him. but nothing, no call, message, anything.
it had gotten to the point where he drove to her house, he fiddled with his hands nervously. repetitive knocks were heard from him.
a decent five minutes he was knocking, "fuck it," he had whispered to himself. in a dash, he was at her bedroom window.
his eyes observed everything in the room, yet, no sight of the girl. how could that be if her location said that she was at her house?
he knew it was wrong, but he couldn't resist himself. carefully and slowly, he entered her room through the window, being mindful of her belongings that sat on the windowsill.

imagines | javon & ashtray
Fanfictionimagines about your favourite drug dealer, & the one and only javon walton for my delulu queens 🤞🔥