y/n was doing her daily routine, it seemed like. she sat on her boyfriends bed as he sat on his game once again.
the girl continued to scroll through tik tok, until she came across a video. a couple, doing the 'i love the smiths' trend.
"baby," y/n called for her boyfriend, no answer. "babe," she tried once again, "wanna!" yet again.. no answer.
cheekily, y/n pranced and trotted over to her boyfriend. knowing that she'd probably get yelled at for it, she took his headset off one his ears.
"baby can we do a tik tok?" she asked her boyfriend, "please?" she was scared of the reaction she was going to get.
instead of yelling at her for making him die in his game, he asked her what tik tok it was. "what one?"
y/ns smile grew at the reaction she got, she was in a hurry to show her boyfriend the tik tok. the two of them had observed it, javons eyes fixed onto the screen.
"that's kinda cringe," javon chuckles at the tik tok, not taking a liking to it. "why that one, can't we do another?"
y/ns happiness quickly turned into sadness, "oh okay, it's alright then," she turned away slowly and left her boyfriend.
"cmon babe, i'd be happy to do any other tik tok with you," he tried to make her feel better, but it was no use. she had already set her mind on the tik tok she wanted to do.
"no because, what's wrong with the tik tok i showed you?" she began to give her boyfriend sass, "it's not even cringe, you're just ashamed and embarrassed."
she left javon shocked, he decided not to bicker back because he didn't want an argument to occur. instead he just continued to his game, letting her blow off some steam.
it had been a couple of mintues, allowing y/n to cool down. javon eventually decided he had enough of his game.
he began to make his way over to his girlfriend, whom still lay on her phone. he was hesitant to, but he then made his way under the covers.
slowly, he moved his arms around his girlfriend. feeling nothing more but sorry for her, soon enough she had realised what he was trying to do.
"get— your hands off of me!" y/n fussed quick aggressively, javons eyes grew wide. he was hurt by her actions, "you don't get to do that.. bad boy!"
"what— why?" javon knew exactly why, "because i won't do that tik tok?!"
"ding ding ding!" her sarcasm was off the charts, "don't talk to me," she humphed, leaving her boyfriend shocked once again.
a silence lingered throughout the air.. javon thought about it.. thought long and hard about it. either he did the "cringy" tik tok and had his girlfriend talk to him. or he didn't do the tik tok but have her be mad at him.
"fine i'll do it!" he gave in, giving his girlfriend the biggest side eye of his life, "will you talk to me now?"
a massive sigh exited her mouth, "i guess," there was a smile on her face.
"okay you know what to do now?" she asked javon as he recited his lines.
"yup, got it, let's do this," javon seemed to be more eager about the whole thing, "shit this gone be a dope ass tik tok, i can't even lie."
and so it began, "i love the smiths," y/n lip synced.
"i said i love the smiths," y/n had a smile plastered on her face as her favourite part was about to occur.
javon looked her at for a moment, before smashing his lips onto hers. taking both of their bodies out of the frame whilst doing so.
a giggle exited y/ns mouth as javon refused to break the kiss.
"was that good enough my love?"
a/n: sorry this is so shit but it was requested so i hope you like!i was really excited to write this one, but my mind went blank as soon as i saw my screen 😭

imagines | javon & ashtray
Fanfictionimagines about your favourite drug dealer, & the one and only javon walton for my delulu queens 🤞🔥