fuck u up pt 2 - javon

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i hated it.. i hated the weird tension that invaded the car. i could tell we all did, except for javon who still seemed to be mad.

which is weird because he won anyways.

"so we gonna address the elephant in the car?"jaden said, sarcasm laced through his voice.

"j not the time," jayla said as her eyes stayed fixed on the road.

"fine but can we at least play some music—" he leaned from the back to the front, turning up the volume of the music, "god damn."

the music was definitely a bad idea, jaden was in the back screaming his head off. jayla & i we're just thankful javon had his headphones on.

luckily for us, the short car ride (that seemed like forever) finally had ended. that was something we were all thankful for.

"y/n stay here, i wanna talk to you," javon announced as he got in the front seat of the car when jayla had gotten out of it.

"oh okay," i said softly, my heart raced and raced. the tension was arising, it was scary.

"no freaky shit in this car you two," jaden chuckled with his sister, javon had returned them with a dirty look.

"it's my fuckin car," javon yelled them away, "fucking idiots man," he kissed his teeth.

for a decent minute or two, those three words were the last words said.

it was dark outside, the only thing heard was the crickets, somewhere out there. the street lights barely lit the street up, there was a slight show of rain.

i began to wonder, do animals have as a complicated love life as us humans. because i know that some mate for life, like seahorses.

like do they go through the talking stage? go on dates? or do they just look at each other and decide they want to spend the rest of their life with that person.

i do wish it was that simple, life would be—

"y/n," his voice caused me to snap back into reality. "are you even listening," he sounded agitated.

"oh yeah, sorry," my voice was quiet. in response he stayed quiet. "thank you for defending me today, it means a lot wanna, especially coming from you." my hand caught held of his.

a small smile plastered onto my lips, "of course" he nodded, his eyes were fixed onto my hand that held the top of his, "i meant what i said by the way." he looked up at me.

"about what," i asked, "about me being the most important thing to you?" my head slightly tilted to the side.

his hand turned around so it was holding mine, "yeah," he pursed his lips together. "you always have been."

i was took back by his words, how was it possible, he's— "i know.. i've always acted like i hated you, but that's only because i had too much fun teasing you," a chuckle escaped his lips.

"and because i didn't think it would be possible for us to be together because of how close our families are."

he kept rambling on, all i could stare at was his eyes. they didn't have that usual look of hate in them like they always do.

they were soft, and filled with emotion. though his eyes were pitch black at this moment, i was drowning in them. i was drowning in what seemed like an endless pit.

my hand cupped his cheek, not intentionally. he froze up at my touch, like someone had just pressed his pause button.

i wasted little time, i placed my lips on his. it all felt perfect, our lips on one another, the way they moved in sync.

quickly, i removed my seatbelt as javon was pulling me more and more towards him. he continued to pull me to the point where i was now straddling his lap.

we both paused once our brains processed the position we had put ourselves in. the way my body sat on top of his, the way his hands rested effortlessly on my hips, the way we were so close to each other due the closed car space.

i didn't hesitate to connect our lips again, javon kissed back with dominance. his hands pushed my hips up, causing me to make some sort of noise at the sudden movement.

he took the chance to slip his tongue in, my left hand wrapped around to the back of his head as the other rested on his shoulder.

our lips detached from one another, his lips went straight to my neck. he made me feel so good, though we were only making out.

the way his lips sucked on my neck, made me go crazy, the way his hands had a firm grip on my hips. it was perfect— he was perfect.

all these years of hating each other, it should've ended sooner if i knew it was gonna turn out like this.

"boo!— ahh what the fuck!" jadens scream was so high pitch, i swear one of the street lights broke.

"tsk" javon kissed his teeth, as he removed his head from the crook of my neck. he didn't push me off though, as i thought he would.

"i told you not to come out here! they were obviously gonna be doing something" jayla smacked her brother chest.

javon lowered the window, "sorry guys, we were just leaving" she snickered. before she left her eyes met mine.

the biggest smile and thumbs up was shown on her face, 'yesss finally girl' she mouthed. i was glad she was happy rather than mad.

my attention fixed back onto javon who looked hungrier than ever, not for food. but he contained himself as he'd already been embarrassed enough being caught by his siblings.

"maybe we should go out sometime?" he asked.

"i'd love that" i smiled.


also a make out sesh is all y'all get with javon, as the hes an irl person, and a minor also. gotta respect dat 🫡 soryy babies x

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