argument - javon

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"you're so clingy!" javon shouted as the sound of thunder came from outside the house. i stood there, not knowing what to say.

"i just need my space sometimes" javon explains in a more calmer tone, "wdym you need space? i haven't seen you in a month?" i question.

"yeah but that doesn't mean you have to be all up in my shit" he says raising his voice. "stop yelling" i say.

"IM NOT YELLING" he snaps, i jumped a little & stood there. shocked.

javon has never yelled at me like, ever. hence why i was frightened after that sentence.

"sounds to me like your yelling" i whispered as a tear trailed down my face. "y/n i didn't me-" he goes to speak.

"just forget about it javon" i put my hands out and stepping back, telling him that i don't want him near me.

without saying another word, i walked out of his room. opening his door only to reveal his siblings standing at the door, eavesdropping.

i stood there and observed the two of them, "are you okay y/n?" jayla speaks up. i ignore her question & shove past the both of them.

"y/n, come back" javon chases after me, also shoving past his brother & sister.

i opened the door, exposing the powerful storm. rain spitting down, thunder pounding, lightning striking every once & a while.

i sighed before pulling my hood up & walk outside. "y/n come on, you can't walk home in that weather" javon says catching up to me.

"watch me" i mumbled before starting my journey to my house. "y/, please come back" javon says from the veranda.

i ignore him and continue. after walking for 2 minutes my body was shivering, teeth chittering. i really should've though twice before walking in the rain.

another car passing by.. or so i thought. the car slowed down as it got to me, my heart started racing as i also started to.

thinking it was a stranger... who then appeared to be a familiar one. "get in the car y/n" javon spoke as the window winded down.

ignoring him once again, but this time javon didn't take nothing for an answer. putting his car to a stop & continuing to get out of it.

next thing i know, i'm over his shoulder. "javon let me go" i fight, no answer. javon walked over to the passenger, placing me in the seat and buckling my seatbelt, making sure i wouldn't run off.

"come on, go have a shower then we'll talk" javon says putting his car into park as he pulled up to his house.

i walked out of javons bathroom, wearing his clothes. i sat on his bed awkwardly, not knowing what to do.

"i'm sorry for yelling at you like that, i don't know what came over me to do that" javon apologises. "its fine" i simply say.

"but it's not though, i understand why you were being so clingy.. and there is no excuse for yelling at you" javon continues his apology.

"javon, seriously.. it's fine" i assure him, placing my hand on his. javon shift his eyes to mine, focusing all of his attention on me.

placing his lips on mine moments after, "i love you" he speaks, breaking the kiss. "i love you too" i smile.

"let's watch a movie shall we" he suggest, i positioned myself on the bed, getting ready for the movie.

javon played a movie and, placed himself between my thighs. i fiddled with his overgrown hair, & falling asleep shortly after.
i woke up, checking my phone for the time. "3:12am" the lock screen read. then realising something in 'my' hoodie.

i slowly & carefully lifted the hoodie up, revealing javon. hands wrapped around my body, mouth wide open, hair messy, snoring.

i smiled at my boyfriend and falling asleep once again.

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