Chapter 2 xx :)

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Chapter 2 xx :)


Louis's POV

It's quarter to 10 and we've already arrived at the place where Zayn's supposed to meet Hayley. Zayn told us a lot about this girl, so we're all pretty excited to meet her. You know, because she has a nice personality. But Harry wants to meet her for a different reason. Typical.

 We all got out the cab and Zayn paid for it. I was surprised to see that we're meeting in a certain rock band's concert. It was filled with screaming fans, but Zayn had tickets to it so we had no choice. 

"Zayn? Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked him. 

"Yeah. Why?" He looked at me, so sure of his answer.

"I thought Hayley was this girl who loves unicorns, flowers and candies? Why are we in a rock show?"

"To be honset, I'm shocked as well. But I haven't seen her in years. Besides, those things were years ago. She must've changed."

He did make sense. Anyway, we all went into the crowd to look for Hayley. And apparently, we got seperated. I'm with Zayn, actually. But now Zayn's getting worried, not because we can't see the others or Hayley, but because he cares for Niall since he's claustrophobic. Poor guy. I just hope we find them soon.

Niall's POV

I can't believe I got lost. I'm 18 and I, Niall Horan, got lost. Great.

At first I was trying to look for Hayley, but now I'm starting to look for the boys. I looked everywhere for them. I'm getting dizzy with all the people. I'm claustrophobic, you know! This... is gonna be a long day.

 I felt my head spin around and everything was, too. Until this girl approached me. She had coal black hair, porcelain white skin, pinkish lips and her eyes glittered as the lights shined on them. She was wearing (, tattoos on her arms and wears eyeliner, too. I was getting really dizzy that I couldn't really hear what she's saying. But I managed to hear it anyway. I just hope she isn't bitchy or something, 'cause she looks like she is. 

"Hey, are you... okay?" she said with a really angelic voice. Man, I didn't expect that.

"I-I'm fine." I lied.

"R-Really? You're getting pale. Would you like me to help you get outside so you could feel better?" she offered. 

"But the concert... you might miss it?" I returned.

"Nah. I could watch them next time. So, how about it?"

I had no other choice but to say yes. I mean, I AM feeling worse and I could use some air... and lots of space. She smiled and escorted me to the exit. She let me sit down, bought me a bottle of water from a nearby store, and she stayed with me for a while. She didn't leave until I was feeling better. She wasn't bitchy, she was actually pretty nice.

"Hey, thanks." I said.

"Don't mention it."

"You... like heavy metal, huh?"

"Y-yeah. I got influenced by my friends... and the people at home."

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