Chapter 34 xx :)

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Chapter 34 xx :)

Lexie's POV 

Saoirse's party was the greatest ever! Especially because Kate did another great job on it. She was the one who planned everything, and she even managed to fix whatever's happening between Saoirse and Axcel. They're sweeter than ever! 

We are on our way back from the airport. Of course, we have to get back to our usual life. I was looking for something else, you know? I wanted to be somewhere... a party, but a formal one. The type where you have to wear dresses. I really miss that. And that's what we're talking about until we were about to enter a really big gate. I don't remember a gate like this on our way to the apartment. I was wondering if we were lost?

"Hey, I heard your sister was getting married, Kate?" asked May.

"Yeah... About that..." Kate said.

"Um, Duke? Where are we going?" I asked. Duke is our bodyguard / tour manager.

"Oh, didn't Kate tell you?" he replied. 

"Tell us what?" said Saoirse.

"Kate? Where are we?" I asked. She just bit her lip.

We all went out once the car has parked. And we were amazed with what was in front of us.

"Uh, Lex, I think I know where we are." May said. 

"Sorry I didn't tell you guys. We're..." said Kate, who was playing with her fingers.

"Just look at the size of that pool! And the house! Who owns this place anyway?" I said.

"Uh, guys?" Kate said, trying to get our attention.

"Whoever that might be, he's pretty rich! It's gorgeous in here!" said Saoirse.

"Guys!" Kate yelled.

"Yes?" We chorused. That was the first time Kate yelled at us.

"O-Okay. Um, look. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier but... Welcome to our house."

"What? You live here?!"

"Yeah... And as you all know, my sister's going to get married soon. She wanted you guys to help out, so she invited you to the wedding. Plus you guys have been her friends ever since high school. Especially you, Lexie."


"Mm hm."

"This is gonna be so much fun!"

Saoirse, May and I held hands and we all squeeled. We'll be staying in Kate's mansion for three weeks to prepare for the wedding! We were really happy and excited, until the door opened. A man and a woman, both wearing formal attires,  walked in. They had the serious aura, causing us to stop whatever we were doing and behave ourselves.

"Kate?" The woman said.

"Mom! I missed you!" said Kate, who ran to hug the woman. 

"Aww.. We missed you too, princess!" Kate's mom, Aunt Liz, said giving her daughter a really tight hug.

"How's your career, pumpkin?" asked the man. He must be her dad? I don't know, really. I haven't really met him.

"Great, dad." Kate smiled. 

"So these are your bandmates?"

"Oh, yeah. Mum, Dad, this is Saoirse and May." She said, pointing to the two. "And this is Lexie. You know her." 

"Lexie Lee, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"I met your parents the other day. Very nice people."

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