Chapter 15 xx :)

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Chapter 15 xx :)

Niall's POV

"Oh my god! It really is Zayn!" said Saoirse excitedly.

"H-Hi?" Zayn gave a slight smile.

"He just said hi to me! I think I'm gonna faint!"

She really looke like she was going to faint, so Zayn tried to catch her since he's the closest person to her. She fangirled even more and Zayn, well, was a little creeped out? Anyway, I've started making my moves with Noelle before Harry does. She was a snob like Hayley is, so I think I'd get easily used to it.

"So you're really good friends with Danielle?" I asked, but she just looked at me. She was really quiet. "Dani was right." I added.

"What do you mean?" she said raising a brow.

"That you're really quiet most of the time. But don't worry, we'll change that. I just have to chat with you a little more." I said, smiling at her. She just looked at me but at least she gave a slight smile. 

I started the "Michael Buble and Grease conversation" like I did with Hayley in my dream, hoping that she would react the same way as her, but she didn't. She wasn't really into Michael Buble and she havn't watched Grease! And I can't believe she critisized them a little. But I know she has her opinions and I can't force her to like them. It's fine. Besides, I have nothing bad to say about her Metallica, Nirvana, Slipknot and Blink.

"Well, maybe except they were all screams... I don't know. Their lyrics are kinda pointless." I said.

"Pointless? They make perfect sense!" she defended. 

"Really? Because I don't really see it." She just looked at me, closed her eyes and sighed. 

"Anyway... Dani! Are you busy today?"

"Uh, a little. Liam and I have to go."

"Then can we hang out tomorrow?"

"Yeah sure." 

"Yay! Oh, we gotta go now. See ya tomorrow, Dani!"

"I'll call you later. Bye!"

She and the Forget-me-Not girls left. I still wanted to talk to Noelle, and I guess Harry's made his way to get May's number. Before we left, Dani asked us if we wanted to come with her tomorrow when she hangs out with Noelle. Zayn said he had enough fangirling for today. Liam said it was fine with him, as well as for Louis. And of course Harry and I already said we wanted to go. I still want to make Noelle feel comfortable with me.

Noelle's POV

"Well, maybe except they were all screams... I don't know. Their lyrics are kinda pointless." Niall said.

"Pointless? They make perfect sense!" I defended. We clearly ain't getting along. 

"Really? Because I don't really see it." I calmed myself down. Chill, Noelle. Just let it go.

"Anyway, are you busy today, Dani?" I asked.

"Yeah. I have a date with Liam today."

"Oh, then can we hang out tomorrow?"


"Yay! So, nice meeting you guys. We gotta go." I said. The FMN girls gave me the can-we-stay-a-little-longer look, but I ignored it. I had to get out of there, before Niall speaks up again. It's not that I want to avoid him, I just want to avoid me developing feelings for new people. Especially guys like him. Come on, he's from One Direction and he's really cute. But seriously, I don't want another heartache.

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