Chapter 5 xx :)

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Chapter 5 xx :)

Hayley's POV

It's been a year since our parents made me move here to London to live with my sister, Genevie, who takes care of the family's recording business. The London Branch is the main office, by the way. I don't hate my parents because of that, because I'm happy here! I mean, London's gonna have a cosplay convention next month and there are lots of my favorite rock bands that do concerts here! 

Anyway, I dropped by my sister's office today because she called me. She said it was something really important about business. I guess she needs my help.

I finally reached Genevie's office. Why must her office be so high up in the first place?! I don't usually mind how high up it is, becuase I always love how I've decorated her office. My work of art! But that's not the point here. I knocked on her door, and peeked. As usual, she was signing contracts and her paperwork is piled up on her desk. She's really a work-a-holic.

"Hey, sis. You called me?" I said as I walked to her table.

"Oh hi, Hayley! And yes, I did." She looked up at me.

"You want me to do something?"

"Yes. And it's really important, so keep it a secret. I can trust you, right?"

"Y-yeah. Of course you can. What is it?"

"Come closer." she said, and I lowered down to where she could whisper to my ear.

"You're going to uni." she whispered, and I felt my eyes widen.

"What?!" I yelled.

"Isn't it great?"

"What's so great about uni?! Come on, Gen. You're kidding me, right?" I said, with that hopeful face.

But she took something from below, and she put it on her table. A basket filled with books, sketchpads, and other school supplies was sitting prettily there now. She smiled at me from ear to ear. I hate her.

"These are all the things you'll need in uni."

"What? No way. I'm not going to uni."

"You don't even know what uni I enrolled you in!"

"I don't care!" I said, and I crossed my arms and bit my lip.

She sighed then stood up and walked to me. She put her hands on my shoulders and she looked straight into my eyes. 

"Hayley, please. Mom and dad wants this, so I have no choice. They told me to enroll you to a university. But don't worry, I made sure you'll love it and do your best." she smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"You'll know. But for now, you have to prepare yourself for tomorrow. I'll drop you off at the uni."


*the next day*

This is it. I'm going to uni. I can't believe I am! I woke up, and I smelled my sister's cooking in the kitchen. It smelled really delicious. I went to the dining room and sat by the table. 

"You're favorite." Gen said as she put a plate in front of me. It was filled with bacon, and eggs. She also made me a Nutella sandwich. This is what I love about my sister. She cooks really well. 

"Thanks." was all I could say.

"Better finish that quick. We'll leave before 7."

I took a shower after I ate everything on my plate. I wore ( to school, and I just hope people there don't judge me.

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