Chapter 7 xx :)

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Chapter 7 xx :)

Niall's POV

This is it. We're up next. We've been looking forward to this day. I can't even tell what I'm feeling. But I am nervous. Really nervous. Come to think of it, I wonder if the girl at the rock show is here? She said she loves music, and I guess some of her favorite bands are competing, too. Maybe, just maybe, she might be here.

"Thank you for that performance. Up next is your favorite boyband, girls. I know they don't need an introduction but I'll give one anyway." The emcee said jokingly. 

"Boys, you're up in 5... 4... " The stage director told us.

"Everybody, let us welcome..."

"3... 2..."

"One." The emcee and the director chorused.

"Direction!!" The stage was lit up and screams filled the place. I never thought we'd be here.

The music played and the screams got louder. Since the battle's rules were to sing only covers of songs, we decide to sing Teenage Dirtbag by Wheatus.


Her name is Noel

I have a dream about her

She rings my bell

I got gym class in half an hour

Oh how she rocks

In Keds and tube socks

But she doesn't know who I am

And she doesn't give a damn about me


'Cause I’m just a teenage dirtbag baby

I'm just a teenage dirtbag baby

Listen to Iron Maiden baby 

With me



Her boyfriend's a dick

And he brings a gun to school

And he'd simply kick

My ass if he knew the truth

He lives on my block

And drives an Iroc

But he doesn't know who I am

And he doesn't give a damn about me

We finally finished the song. Everyone was screaming and cheering. 

"Thank you, boys. The people went crazy for that performance. Nice! Now, for our next band! Uh..." he said as he sent us backstage and pressed on his earpiece. 

"I'm sorry, but the next band will not be competing. I'm sorry to their fans. But! Here is their replacement band from the same company. Give it up for... Forget Me Not!" he added.

I have never heard of the band he mentioned. But Zayn did. He said he heard of them from Jake the other day. He's not sure if they're good or not, though. We'll just have to see for ourselves.

A quick sound of a violin was heard. It echoed in the place for a while. After about 10 seconds the stage was lit up again and the music started. A girl's voice started singing.

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