Chapter 4 xx :)

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Chapter 4 xx :)

Liam's POV

We had just finished cleaning when we heard a knock on the door. It mus be Danielle and Eleanor, so I opened it. And I was right, except they were with another girl. She had long icy blonde hair, and she has blue eyes. Her lips were red and  I can say she's pretty. But I don't think I like her attitude. But who am I to judge, right?


"Hi babe!"

"Come in."

They went inside and Eleanor instantly sat beside Louis on the couch. Danielle and their friend still stood up.

"Good morning!" Harry greeted, but he was looking at the girl.

"Oh, guys, I'd like you to meet Stacy." Eleanor said, and she stood up beside the girl.

"Stacy, this is my boyfriend, Louis, and Danielle's boyfriend, Liam. And these other boys are Harry, Zayn and Niall."

"Nice meeting you, Stacy." Harry said. Of course.

She shook his hand, but she clinged to Niall all day! I knew I don't like her attitude! She's... oh, nevermind. But Niall kept ignoring her, since he's all about this girl from yesterday. I can tell Stacy likes Niall, but Niall really doesn't like her. She kept flirting with him, and as I said, he ignores every flirting she does. And Harry? Well he's on the couch pouting and with his arms crossed. 

Anyway, the day just went like that. We hanged out in the flat in the morning and went to different places in the afternoon. It was fun, but of course Harry and Niall weren't having much fun at all. 

Zayn's POV

I was exhausted from everything we did yesterday that I just wanted to sleep all day. But there's one thing that got me up, and that's a phone call for Liam.

We were getting ready for dinner. Liam was cooking. The other four of us were sitting by the table talking about things, when Liam's phone buzzed.

"Louis, take over here. I just gotta answer this." he said, and Louis stood up and took over the cooking.

Liam excuse himself and walked to the living room. He looked so shock with what he was hearing. The call has ended, and he went back to the kitchen. 

"Who was it?" Niall asked.

"Simon." Liam answered.

"Simon? What did he say?"

"He said that... the company handling us just left us on the air. I mean, they... let us go."

"What?! Why?!" I yelled.

"Calm down, Zayn.  Simon said they let us go because of the ratings."

"That's a lie." Harry said, crossing his arms.

"I know. But Simon said it was going to be alright. He said he already found a way, and that means a new company."

"Really? Is the company better?" Niall asked.

"Of course, it should be. And we'll be going to the company's building tomorrow with Simon."


*the next day*

We're in the car on our way to the company's building. Actually, we're pretty excited even though we're still upset about the previous company. We finally reached the place, and I guess Liam was right. It WAS better, and bigger.

"Woah." was all we could say when we stepped out of thecar and stared at how high the building was. It had about 60 floors? I don't know. We'll see.

We followed Simon going inside the building entrance. It was awesome in there - the furniture, the structures, everything! We were all amazed with what are eyes were seeing. Then, a woman wearing a grey formal dress approached us. 

"Mr. Cowell!" she said.

"Hello, Marissa." Simon replied smiling on the woman.

"Mr. Spencer sent me to escort you to his office. Shall we proceed?" she smiled.

Simon nodded. Marissa led us to the elevator and she pressed 57. I was right. The building had 60 floors. After 30 minutes, we finally reached the office. A door (like was in front of us. Marissa went first inside and told us to wait. She soon came back out nodding at Simon.

We went inside the office. And like the entrance to the building, it was awesome. Only a little better. It looked like ( And did I mention there was a flat screen tv? No? I didn't? Well, there is. In fact, it was really big.

"Uncle Simon!" a voice said.

"Jake! How are you, son?" Simon replied. A guy, about the same age as Lou or 25, wearing a suit approached him and they gave each other a man hug. 

"Perfectly fine, Uncle."

"Oh, Jake, this is One Direction. Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn." Simon proudly introduced.

"Good to see you, guys." He reached out for a handshake. 

"Boys, this is my nephew, Jake. He owns the Astrall Records, which would be handling you boys from now."

"Don't worry. I know you guys are good, but can I at least hear them perform live, Uncle?" he smiled.


The band was on their place and so were we. We sang Teenage Dirtbag and WMYB. Yeah, I know he's a guy, but it was the song we'd usually sing. We finished and he was impressed. 

"Okay. I'll take care of everything. And the on top of the charts? You and I are gonna be there." He smiled, like an evil smile, as he looked out the window. He seemed to look at the other tall building several blocks away. And if I was correct, it was their rival recording company.

Author's Note:

HI guys!! So, is it great? 

I'm sorry for the really late upload. I couldn't contact my friend so I had a hard time knowing the new company's name and the owner of it.

But it's okay, right?

Yeah, wish us luck :)

Thanks again.

-AlRoux xx :) 

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