Chapter 22 xx :)

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Chapter 22 xx :)

Noelle's POV

I'm happy Niall and I are together, but I want to keep it a secret for now. I don't want to get chased by the paparazzi everywhere getting interviewed about it. Well, maybe not now. 

Anyway, we're packing up now because today's the day we're flying back to California. I'm excited because I'll be seeing my family again, but sad because I'm leaving Niall and the boys. And speaking of Niall, he has just arrived.

"Hey Noelle, whet're you doing?" he kissed my cheek and asked.

"Packing up?" I said.

"Huh? Why? Where are you going?"

"We're going to the airport, Niall. I'm sorry I didn't tell you this before but we're going back to California."

"What? What about the guitar lessons?"

"Don't worry, we'll leave by six so you can still teach me."

"Okay. Can we start now?"


Oh yeah, I forgot. I'm not really THAT good with the guitar yet. Yes, I might have played it before, but I'm really not that good. So I asked Niall if he could teach me, and he was happy to.


We were having lots of fun together, laughing and joking around when Lexie came in.

"Noelle, let's go."

"Oh, it's six already?"

"Well, almost six. We don't want to be late, now do we?"

"Oh, yeah. Wait, what about Niall?"

"Can I come?"

"Hm... Fine. But no boarding the plane with him, okay?"

We arrived at the airport soon. This is it. I know both Niall and I are nervous. I'm starting to get mixed emotions now. I really don't wanna leave him.

"Hey, Niall."


"Thanks for the lessons. I promise when we meet again, I can play the guitar better than you do."

"Yeah, right. Noelle...?"


"Don't forget about me, okay?" I smiled and walked towards him.

"I won't." I said. 

We smiled at each other and leaned in. I took off my snapback and he took off his, and we cover our faces with it while we kissed, because the paparazzi are there. And as I said before, I don't like the lights. (A/N: Ha! She don't like the lights. Oyea, Belieber!!! :D)

"Noelle! Let's go!" yelled Lexie.

"Yeah! Be right there. Bye, Niall."


Niall's POV

"Noelle! Let's go!" yelled Lexie.

"Yeah! Be right there. Bye, Niall."


And I think that was the last time I kissed her for real. I'm really gonna miss her. I went home to see the boys having fun but Harry and I. 

"Hey, buddy. Something wrong?" I asked.

"They left didn't they?"

"You mean FMN? Yeah." He just looked down, and sighed.

"May didn't tell me. I just knew about it a few minutes ago."

"Oh. Sorry buddy." I said tapping on his shoulder.

"It's okay. We went out last night, so it's fine with me. What bothers me is that she's so far away from me now."

"I know, Harry."

"So, how are you and Noelle doing?"

"Well, we hanged out for a few hours before she left. And we kissed for the last time. I mean, for real."

"Oh, that's good."

"And I think she's gonna get mad at me."

"Huh? Why would she be?"

"I... told the media about us. And she really wanted to keep us a secret."

"Oh. Then that's gonna be harder for you. She might really get mad."

"Maybe. I just can't keep it in. I'm just so happy I can finally call her mine." Harry just smiled.

"Niall, Harry, come here you guys! Have fun!" yelled Louis.

"Yeah. Be right there." Harry and I chorused. We looked at each other and laughed. 

We went in to see Zayn dancing with Liam, and Louis just laughing really hard. They're playing Just Dance, and it's really rare to see Zayn dance like that. And then he say bad boys don't dance. Their game finally finished, and Louis was about to die of laughing. 

"I can't breathe! I can't breathe! hahaha!" Louis joked, lying down the floor with his hands on his stomach.

"Niall, Harry, your turn!" Zayn said.

"What?" I said smiling.

"Come on, it's unfair to Zayn if you don't dance." said Liam. Zayn just laughed.

"Okay." Harry said reaching for the controller.

"Wait wait wait. WE.. will choose." Zayn said slyly, grabbing the controller before Harry could.

Harry and I just looked at each other. I bet this is gonna be fun, because we won't know what we're dancing to. Harry and I stood beside each other getting ready. Harry bit his lip, his hands on his waist, and he's getting slightly nervous. I put my snapback down on the table.

"Hey, I thought that was blue before you left?" asked Liam.

"Yeah. Why is it red now? You bought another one?" said Louis.

"No. This... isn't mine! This is... Noelle's.."

"Ooohh! Way to go Noelle!!" said Louis, smiling slyly. I just smiled.

"Okay lads, let's do this." said Zayn, and Harry began smiling. 

"Oh no." I smiled, and the dance started. This, is embarassing.

Louis, Zayn and Liam laughed all the way through our dance. It was really fast, and harry and I almost tripped. Well, that's something from our dancing skills.

Author's Note:

Okay, thanks for the reads. Actually, I think I'll be updating twice everyday, but that's only what I think. Oh, and here's what Noelle wore in the airport: And if you want to imagine Nialler wearing her snapback, just go search for him with his red snapback. It's a fanfic, so we can pretend the red Supra snapback is Noelle's. :)

Anyway, vote/comment, and thanks for the reads. Love ya! (maybe I'll upload another chapter later.)


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