Chapter 1 xx :)

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Chapter 1 xx :)

Liam's POV

The boys and I are back in London. We're gonna be really busy starting today, so we'll be staying here really long, like a month or so. And that's why Paul bought us our own apartment flat. Everyone loved it, especially because it was really comfortable, and we made our rooms to look exactly like our rooms at home. 

Anyway, today we're not really THAT busy, because we're just... hanging out! Harry and I are back again with our Pokemon Tournament, and I've been trying really hard to win. Most of the time I do, and Harry widens his eyes everytime he loses. 

Niall always sings while he plays his guitar, and Louis jokes around a lot. He's the one who entertains us, and brings out all the fun. 

Okay, if you're asking what the Bradfrod badboi's doing, then i'll tell you. He's been sitting on the couch comfortably every time we're hanging out, which has been going on for the past two weeks we've been in London, and he's just tapping oh his phone. He smiles, he laughs, and he gets all busy with the texting that it gets all of us curious. He's never been like this. We don't know who he's on the phone with. He doesn't do that much when he talks to Perrie, and he sometimes says the word "hay". And because it's suspicious, I came up with a plan.

I called the other boys, except Zayn of course, and we talked about Zayn's sudden texting addiction. All of them notice it, too. We all got suspicious with him, so...

"Okay. Does any one of you know who he's texting with?" I asked.

"Nope. Not a clue." All of them answered.

"Could it be Perrie?" Niall said.

"No, he's doesn't get THAT addicted." I said.

"Okay. I'm getting really curious." Harry blurted out.

"All of us do. So, what do you suggest we should do?"

"Let's ask him!" Harry suggested.

"No, it'd be too obvious."

"I know! Let's take a peek on his phone when he takes a shower! These days it takes him really long in there, so maybe him being vain would buy as some time to get behind this mystery." Louis said getting us all convinced.

"Okay. We'll just wait for him to take a bath."

"But he already did! Maybe tomorrow?" Niall said.

And we all agreed to initiate our plan tomorrow. Everyone's getting all curious every minute Zayn taps on his phone, so we all can't wait 'til tomorrow.


All four of us acted cool as Zayn walked around the room with his towel on his shoulder. He was about to take a bath, which we've been waitingfor since this morning. We all pretended to be busy with something, as he walks into the bathroom. The minute he closed the door, we quietly raced to his phone and peeked. A message just popped in. It was from this person named Hayley.

"Hayley?" Niall said.

"Isn't that a girl's name?" Harry wondered.

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